

The electronics used on spacecraft, artificial satellites, and aircraft are called avionics. These aviation systems handle communications, the engine, system display and management, navigation, and hundreds of other functions. Avionics from brands like Norwood and Altair Avionics help an airplane function adequately.

What are some types of avionics?

Here is a list of five types of avionics systems:

  • Flight controls: These are used to safely pilot a plane. The primary controls include the elevators, rudder, and ailerons. Those utility controls are required on the aircraft. The optional secondary controls include high lift devices and trim systems.
  • GPS: These help you by letting you know what location and coordinates your airplane are in. It also gives the current weather.
  • Transponders: When you have a transponder on your airplane, it sends back a unique code to an air traffic control tower that has sent a signal to your transponder.
  • Audio Panel: This increases the reliability and versatility of the airplane's audio switching function. It works with all the types of audio sounds and functions on the aircraft.
  • Indicator: This measures the airspeed or vertical speed of a plane, depending on the kind of indicator you have. Another type of indicator allows you to see the airplane's current angle of attack, so you'll know if the airplane may stall.
How do you choose avionics?

No matter what type of avionics you are buying, you need systems that are compatible with the type and model of your aircraft. There are other factors you need to consider when getting avionics, and they are as follows:

  • Federal regulations: Various aspects of the avionics are required to ensure safety during flying. For example, ADS-B needs to be equipped on transponders.
  • The type of flying you do: Do you fly your aircraft by instrument flight rules or visual flight rules?
  • How much time do you have for training: There is no point in buying a complex audio panel when you are only training to use one part of it.
How does an avionics airspeed indicator work?

An airspeed indicator measures the following types of airspeed: indicated, calibrated, equivalent, true, and ground. It provides guidance to flight performance during liftoff, descent, and landing. Here is how the indicator measures airspeed:

  • Ram air, or total pressure as it is also known, is the air captured by the airplane's passage to the air through the pilot tube opening.
  • The static ports on the airplane capture the static pressure.
  • When the ram air is propelled against a diaphragm, static pressure is compared to it.
  • Dynamic pressure, the difference between the ram air and static pressure is measured. That measurement determines the airspeed.