Batteries and Chargers for Motorola Walkie Talkie

Finding the Right Batteries and Chargers for Walkie-Talkies

A walkie-talkie, also called a two-way radio, is a convenient and portable way to keep in touch with people whether you're out camping, hiking, or hunting, or for just keeping in touch with friends nearby. Keeping your Motorola walkie-talkie powered up means you have to have the right chargers and batteries to keep your device juiced for when you need it.

What Are Some Charger Options?

When you're looking at chargers for your two-way radio, there are a few different types to consider. You can select the type of charging accessory you desire based on how many radios you have, how you'll be using your radio, and where you'll be using the device.

  • A desktop charger has a base that you can set on a table or desk and charges up your battery quickly and efficiently. This is a single-unit charger to power one walkie-talkie.
  • For charging on the go, select a car charger. This works similarly to any type of car charger in that it plugs into the lighter to provide power to your device.
  • When you have numerous batteries to charge for multiple walkie-talkies, you'll want to maximize your power and charge efficiently with a battery charger that can hold up to six batteries at once.

How Do You Buy Batteries?

Most Motorola two-way radios are powered by rechargeable batteries so you'll need to ensure you get the right battery for your specific devices.

  • Check the model number on your two-way radio and match it to the battery pack you're considering since some batteries are compatible with more than one model of radio.
  • There are batteries made of Ni-Cd and rechargeable batteries composed of lithium-ion, so make sure you're getting the battery made of the material that is compatible with your specific device.

Which Accessories Can You Purchase?

There are a few different types of accessories that you can purchase to maximize your experience when you use a two-way radio or walkie-talkie.

  • When you don't have a spot for your charger, or even when you're using a car charger, you can buy a mount to install your charging base to save space and keep it secure in the same spot so you don't lose track of it.
  • A rapid charger is a special type that charges your radio in record time, which could come in handy in the event of an emergency.
  • Having extra batteries on hand is always a wise idea, especially when you're using radios out in the wild or far from home. When one runs out of juice and you can't plug in a charger, you can simply swap out your dead battery for a fresh one.