Book Stands & Holders

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Book Stands & Holders

Book stands and holders serve multiple functions. Traditionally, they are used to hold open a book or document for hands-free viewing. With more reading and viewing being accessed by electronic means, book stands and holders can be used to support media, such as smartphones and tablets, for easy listening and viewing pleasure.

Are there differences between book holders and bookstands?

Both a book holder and a bookstand are interchangeable names for a device that is a reading aid. A book holder or book stand is used to hold a book, document, or electronic media open for greater visibility and ease of viewing. This product has many applications, such as:

  • Music stand: It allows a musician to readily view a score.
  • Cookbook reading stand: A kitchen is a great place for hands-free viewing.
  • A portable reading desk: From airplanes to reading in bed, this offers support and hands-free viewing.
  • A reading/typing aid: Useful for supporting and place-marking reading materials.
  • Display style book stand: To enjoy and share a beautiful book, document, photo, or certificate.

Is a book stand useful for electronic media?

While the name may suggest printed material such as books, periodicals, text, musical scores, and photos, many holders are designed to be used with electronic media as well. The angle of viewing can be tilted, the arms can be customized to secure electronic devices, and the hands-free application works well with electronic media devices. It is also a fantastic way to interact with an iPad or smartphone because the vertical, tilted display enables media devices to operate seamlessly. In addition, sound quality soars in the upright position.

How does one select a book holder?

When considering a bookstand to use with books, periodicals, printed material, and electronic devices, it can be helpful to have an idea of the goals to be fulfilled. When selecting a stand, ask the following questions:

  • Is the bookstand going to be used in home or for travel?
  • What size and weight of media will be used with the holder?
  • Is the stand's primary purpose utilitarian or decorative?
  • If used for printed material, is a section to be studied at length or are pages to be turned rapidly?

Here are some types of bookstands to consider:

  • A lightweight plastic model that lies flat and holds open the pages of a book may prove helpful while studying.
  • A sturdy metal book holder with legs pairs with cookbooks for ease of cleanup. It also leaves countertops and tables free.
  • A beautifully constructed, ornate, wooden bookstand can be teamed with a decorative medium, such as a book or musical score to enhance aesthetics.
  • A book cart or magazine rack is useful for storing books and periodicals.
  • For viewing a film on an iPad or smartphone, a minimalist metal frame-type holder could be a solid pairing.

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