Bird Cages

Bird Cages

Buying the right bird cage for your companion bird is an important decision. Different factors such as the size, the bar spacing, and the available perches must be considered for the health and safety of your bird. Understanding the needs of your bird breed will help you make the right choice when buying your next birdcage.

What size bird cage does a bird need?

When buying a bird cage for a larger bird, several factors come into consideration. Recommended bird cage sizes are given as the minimum size necessary for the bird; however, you should try to get the largest size bird cage over the minimum recommended size that will fit within your home so that your bird has the maximum space and comfort. Factors to consider when buying a bird cage include:

  • Species and size of bird: Larger birds, such as macaws and cockatiels, will require a bigger cage with greater interior space that allows the bird to move around comfortably.
  • Bar spacing: Just as important as the overall dimension of the bird cage is the space allotment between the bars. While bigger birds can safely reside in bird cages with larger amounts of space between bars, smaller birds need a narrower gap so that they will not try to squeeze through the bars of the bird cage.
  • Shape of the cage: Round cages can actually create anxiety as the curved surface doesn't allow for easy perching on the bars. Small birds that enjoy quick bursts of flight will enjoy bird cages that are longer than they are taller, thus allowing some flight freedom for the bird.
What material is used to build a sturdy birdcage?

While there are several different varieties of materials used to build bird cages around the world, including wood and bamboo, for a bird cage that will endure the daily use of an active bird and remain sturdy and safe, look for those made from stainless steel. Stainless steel is not only strong, it does not rust, and it cannot be destroyed or chewed through by an active bird.

Are birds compatible together in a bird cage?

This will depend on the species, the size of the different birds, the gender of the birds, and whether the birds have lived alone their entire lives or have always lived in a cage with other birds. Some small species, like budgies, finches, and parakeets, can co-habit in a birdcage peacefully. However, when a larger bird with a stronger beak, such as a parrot, is placed with a smaller bird, such as a budgie, care must be taken that the larger bird does not bully or harm the other one. Careful observation and knowledge of the prior living conditions of the birds is the safest course of action when introducing them to a co-habitation bird cage.