Cowboy and Western Costume Accessories

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Cowboy and Western Costume Accessories

Whether you wrangle cows or just have a deep appreciation for the West, your cowboy and Western costumes are incomplete without the right accessories. Whether you want to dress up as a Wild West sheriff for a costume party or to wear a Mississippi River gambler Halloween costume, it is the attitude and the finishing touches that set you apart from the other cowboys. Use your wits and shopping expertise to pick up a pair of Western boots, a belt with a large buckle, a cowboy hat, a holster, and a pistol.

What kinds of cowboy accessories are there?

Cowboys come in three basic types: the Wild West cowboy, the rodeo cowboy, and the urban cowboy. All three cowboy costumes need to be accessorized with a cowboy hat, a huge, shiny belt buckle, a Western-cut shirt, a pair of cowboy boots, and a pair of blue jeans. Traditional cowboys and rodeo cowboys may also wear chaps and carry coiled ropes, but only the Old West costume will require a six-shooter pistol and holster or shotgun. The urban cowboy’s accessories may include a turquoise bolo where the other two costumes might sport a neck bandana. His cowboy boots are likely made out of exotic animal hides, and the shirt might sparkle with sequins or rhinestones.

What are some other popular Western character costumes and accessories?

A number of cowboy characters make a comeback every Halloween. Consider these when choosing your costume and accessories:

  • Kit Carson was a trapper who wore leather knee-length moccasins or buckskin spats and had a bushy mustache and a fringed brown leather coat. Appropriate costume accessories would include a flintlock rifle, coonskin cap, buckskin pouch for his powder, and sidearm and holster.
  • The traditional Western villain dressed in a black costume would not be worth his salt if he did not wear a black cowboy hat, a six-shooter on each hip, lots of silver on his buckle, a black duster, and spurs.
  • Saloon girl costumes usually have a form-fitted bodice, short skirts with lace, petticoats, and bright colors. Choose accessories that include dazzling jewelry, such as earrings shaped like horses, wagon wheels, or cacti, cowboy hats, or spurs.
  • A Western gambler dresses in Sunday best with a plain white shirt that might sport a ruffled front and a brocade vest. He carries a small gun up a sleeve and carries a deck of cards.
  • Annie Oakley costumes mimic a brown buckskin fringed jacket and skirt worn with cowgirl boots. Her prime accessory, since she was a sharp shooter, is a rifle.

How do you make toddler cowboys look more Western?

Give your toddler a stuffed horse to carry around, or buy him a stick horse. Accessorize your little cowboy’s jeans with a red bandana in the back pocket, and buy him a pair of children’s brown chaps. If he will wear it, add a cowboy hat. When you are done, he will look a lot more Western.