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Cuisinart Electric Pressure Cookers

An electric pressure cooker from Cuisinart can help you make home-cooked meals. These versatile cookers use pressure to fully cook a variety of foods and recipes in less time than many other cooking methods.

What can you cook in a Cuisinart electric pressure cooker?

Pressure cookers are able to cook a variety of recipes and single foods, including meats, vegetables, rice, grains, and beans.

  • Poultry and meats: A pressure cooker can cook whole chickens in less than 30 minutes. Beef and thicker cuts of pork or lamb take less than two hours to cook.
  • Vegetables: Potatoes, green beans, carrots, broccoli, and squash, among many other types of vegetables, can be cooked in as little as 10 minutes. Some vegetables take less than three minutes, even when cooking with low pressure.
  • Rice and grains: An electric pressure cooker can handle a variety of grains and rice, including black japonica, brown rice, wild rice, and quinoa. Cooking times vary from about 2 minutes to 30 minutes.
  • Beans: A number of types of beans can be cooked in a Cuisinart pressure cooker. Most bean dishes take between 20 to 60 minutes, depending on whether or not the legumes were soaked overnight.
How does an electric pressure cooker work?

Pressure cookers that are electric have three main components: the inner pot, the housing unit, and the lid.

  • Inner pot: The inner pot is the container that cooks the food. Cuisinart makes the cooking pots for its pressure cookers out of stainless steel.
  • The housing unit: This component contains the heating element, the control box, the pressure sensors, and the temperature sensors.
  • The lid: The lid contains a sealing ring to create an airtight chamber. When locked, it keeps the steam in, increasing the pressure in the cooking pot as the cooker heats up. A pressure release regulator valve provides an escape route as the pressure builds up.
  • Pressure cookers also have safety valves that allow pressure to escape if too much builds up.
How do you cook basmati rice in electric pressure cookers?
  • Put 2 cups of basmati rice, 3 cups of water, and 1 teaspoon of kosher salt into the inner pot. Lock the lid.
  • Set the pressure cooker to HIGH, and allow the rice to cook in the Cuisinart cooker for four minutes.
  • Let the steam release naturally for about 10 minutes. The release valve should not be opened.
  • Quickly release the pressure that is left. Once enough pressure has been released, the lid can be opened.
  • Fluff the rice with a fork, add butter if desired and serve.

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