Diaper Cakes

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Diaper Cakes

Diaper cakes are gifts any new parent will love to receive. Both practical and fun, the cake will help set a welcoming tone in a nursery until the little boy or girl is ready to use the diapers within it. Diaper cakes also make terrific additions to the theme at baby showers or parties.

What is a diaper cake?

Contrary to what the name suggests, diaper cakes are not edible. They're made from diapers and other essential supplies for newborns and serve as a gift to a new mom. These items are put together in the shape of a tiered cake, with cute toys and trinkets added for decoration.

What is in the cake?

The diaper cake can be made of a variety of things. Some ingredients could be rattles, baby booties, pacifiers, a blanket, bottles, lotion, baby toys, rash cream, formula, bibs, socks, mitts, bathing supplies, and others. The list goes on and the items included depend on what supplies the mother needs, already has, or is anticipating.

Are diaper cakes an appropriate gift for older babies?

Babies wear diapers through the age of two, so they will get plenty of use out of the gift.

What occasions can diaper cakes be gifted?

Diaper cakes are excellent gifts and centerpieces for baby showers, but they can be gifted for other occasions. New parents would appreciate one as a welcome home gift for their new infant. This would make a lovely present when a baby is adopted or a preemie comes home from the hospital. Grandparents who will be helping with the care of the baby would also appreciate one.

Are they available in different designs?

Yes, diaper cakes are available in a variety of styles. Some come with frilly, pink tutus, yards of curly ribbon, and tiaras topping them while others feature miniature footballs, toy trucks, and blue streamers. Animal-themed cakes are popular, topped with plush stuffed monkeys or barnyard animals. Even though most cakes feature classic tiers, some diaper cakes are available shaped like a baby carriage or cupcakes.

What size diapers are used for these?

Cakes are available with different sized diapers. Size two is perfect for babies to grow into since some infants are too big for the newborn size diaper at birth and quickly outgrow size one. On the other hand, if a tiny baby is expected, cakes made from preemie diapers are available.

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