Electric Guitar Sheet Music & Song Books

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19,793 Results

Enjoy Playing with Electric Guitar Sheet Music Song Books

Stock up on electric guitar sheet music for practice or performance. Explore new repertoire for your cover band, solo performances, or upcoming auditions with the vast selection of musical gems available on eBay.

What genres of guitar scores can you get?

You can find every genre imaginable on eBay, from classical to world music. Refine your search by genre or by the name of the artist whose repertoire falls under your desired genre. You can also find niche genres of guitar scores on eBay, such as Ska and Dub. Other genres of guitar scores on eBay may include:

  • Children's, Country
  • Dance, Electrona
  • Easy Listening, Folk
  • Jazz, Rock, Metal
  • Pop, R&B, Reggae, Blues
  • Religious & Devotional
  • Musicals, Soundtracks
  • Holiday, Military
There is guitar tab music that scans into MIDI.

Finding tab music the scans into MIDI depends on the music editing software that you have. General and free open source music editing software may offer special functions for scanning guitar tab music, including bass guitar tab scores. There is also specialized music editing software scans and edits tabs, letting you adjust fingering to your skill level and arrangements. Feel free to purchase any electric guitar sheet music on eBay, with or without tabs. Check your software manufacturer's instructions to confirm tab-scanning capabilities.

Beginner guitar sheet music is offered.

There is an enormous variety of guitar music for beginners available on eBay. Refine your search by skill level or format. Most beginner books coincide with guitar tab sheet music since some beginners or amateurs often require fingering support or don't have strong enough sight-reading skills to translate piano/vocal score chords into correct fingering. Books geared at beginners often have the word "tablature" in the title. There are also certain publishers renowned for their beginner-friendly sheet music, such as:

  • Mel Bay
  • Hal Leonard
  • Gibson
What if you need a certain type of film score?

Guitar scores fall under a large assortment of categories and sub-categories. When searching on eBay, click Soundtracks and then refine your search by available subgenres, such as film score, big band, and swing. You can also search for particular film scores of books of songs by titles of movies or titles of songs. Similarly, for every other genre, there are corresponding subgenres of books and songs. For country music, refine your search by bluegrass, rockabilly, honky-tonk, etc. You can then further narrow your choices by specific songs, album titles or artist name.

Different condition of scores are offered on eBay.

Conditions range from acceptable to brand new. You can find every condition in between, such as "good," "very good," and "like new." Acceptable scores are gently used and still quite legible, with spines you prop up on a music stand or selected flat surface for practice or performance. Luckily, each product you browse is typically available from several sources and in varying conditions, from untouched to gently used as well as at a range of prices. You can restrict your searches by price point and product condition up front so that your results only correspond to your requirements and needs.