Feng Shui Items

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Feng Shui Items

Feng shui items are believed to attract wealth/money, prosperity, and health to your home. Feng shui is one of the Five Arts of Chinese metaphysics. Examples of feng shui products you can choose for your home are coins, bells, wind chimes, quartz figurine fountains, crystals, and citrine keychains.

What types of feng shui products are available?
  • Chinese Coins: Keeping a set of three Chinese coins in your purse or wallet attracts wealth. The coins can also be affixed to your home's south wall. Chinese coins are ornate coins with a square cutout in the center. They are about the size of or slightly larger than typical coins used for currency.
  • Laughing Buddha: A laughing Buddha is common in Chinese culture. You don't need a large statue to incorporate this symbol into your home. There are many laughing Buddha figurines you could select. In feng shui, the laughing Buddha is believed to attract wealth, success, and financial gains when you place it facing the front door because it greets the energy entering your house.
  • Citrine Keychain: According to feng shui experts, citrine is important during the period of the earth element. Citrine is representative of this element, so its potency is multiplied. For centuries, feng shui beliefs hold that this crystal invites success, wealth, luck, and prosperity. A simple way to benefit is to attach a citrine keychain to your keys. Other options besides a citrine keychain include a citrine crystal ball and citrine crystal pyramid.
  • Dragons: As a lucky symbol in Chinese culture, dragons are used frequently. They also symbolize power. A celestial dragon positioned in the east of your living room invites luck. Dragon ships, however, should be placed inward in your home for bringing in wealth and prosperity.
  • Wind Chimes: This feng shui item is believed to bring good luck when you hang it on your front door. The good luck charm cures negative energy as well. Representative of the metal element, this good luck charm is suitable for use in the northwest area of your house.
What should you do when choosing feng shui products?

You need to figure out the bagua or energy map of your house. There are two ways to do this. Classical feng shui involves taking a compass reading of your front door. A Western feng shui bagua is defined by the floor plan of your house. Both types of bagua consist of the same areas:

  • Money/wealth
  • Fame and reputation
  • Love and marriage
  • Creativity
  • Helpful people and travel
  • Career
  • Spiritual growth
  • Health
What's the difference between classical and western Feng Shui?
  • In classical Feng Shui, each area corresponds to a direction of the house. For instance, money/wealth is southeast and fame/reputation is south.
  • In western Feng Shui, the upper row of your floor plan is for wealth/money, fame and reputation, and love/marriage. Lucky charms would go in the bottom row.