GLOCK Hunting Decals and Stickers

GLOCK Hunting Decals and Stickers

Glock hunting decals are stickers that use the gun company's logo along with images relating to that company. The designs work on any vehicle, including Jeep Wrangler 4X4s. Made from vinyl, these decals hold up well to weather conditions, so you do not have to worry that the wind or rain will rip one off your windshield.

What size Glock decals can you get?

Though you will probably want to think about design, you should also consider size. The most important thing to consider is where you want to place one. Using a larger design on the back of your vehicle can result in the printing get in your way and blocking the view of the road behind you. Whether putting one on your automobile, make sure that it is unobtrusive. Some decals are clear, and that makes them easier to see through. Those of a smaller size work well on a side window, the corner of your windshield, or a rear window.

What are some of the different sticker types?

Official decals come directly from the manufacturer of Glock hunting weapons. You might get one for free when you buy a new gun or attend an event hosted by the company. The manufacturer also releases gun show kits for those who set up and sell or buy at shows. You will find designs that feature an uppercase "G" in the centre with the rest of the company's name on the bottom. Other designs have an image of the weapon in black or white in the centre. Some incorporate other designs, such as a vinyl sticker that has a Glock and a flag.

What is a decal lot?

You may come across decal lots on your hunt for decorations for your car. Lots are basically collections that you can buy and use any way you want to. These lots may feature some Glock designs and decals that have funny sayings or images on them. You can use those designs on the back or sides of your automobile as well as on the bumper or fender. Other uses may include:

  • Letting others know that you protect your home with a weapon.
  • Decorating the computer or bag that you take out in public.
  • Functioning as fun gift ideas for other hunters you know.
Can you remove air bubbles when applying a Glock decal?

When applying a decal, you may notice one or more air bubbles beneath the vinyl. This occurs when you do not properly apply the sticker. Those air bubbles can cause it to peel away from your car within weeks of applying. Using any item with a flat edge like a credit card helps you to remove those bubbles. When you put the decal on your vehicle, run the edge of the card along the top to squeeze out any trapped air.