Incredible Hulk Games

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Incredible Hulk Games

The Incredible Hulk is a superhero in the Marvel Universe. Bruce Banner became the Hulk after accidentally getting exposed to gamma rays. Fans of this Marvel Comics character can play Hulk games at home and relive some of his exciting moments.

What is one of the first games to feature the Hulk?

The oldest of the Hulk games is a 1991 game called Captain American and The Avengers. This title featured the Hulk in a supporting role and as a character helping his teammates. Originally available in arcades, it later came out as a Nintendo release. You can also play it on Sega Genesis, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Game Gear, and Game Boy. Some versions allowed up to four people to play against or with each other at the same time. The Hulk made appearances in other titles before getting some games of his own.

Which titles focus on the Incredible Hulk?

Hulk games that focus mainly on the big green guy started coming out in the early 1990s. Those Hulk titles include:

  • The Incredible Hulk: Released in 1994, this one was released for the Sega Master System, SNES, and other systems from the early 1990s. This is one of the older Hulk games that has you take control of the Hulk and navigate him through different levels. Boss battles happen at the end of each level.
  • The Incredible Hulk: The Pantheon Saga: Released in 1996, this action game is a followup to previous Hulk games. It also follows the Pantheon storyline from the comic books and features his smash move.
  • Hulk: This 2003 video game originally came out for both computers and consoles. The story starts eight years after the end of the film of the same name and allows players to see what happened to the Hulk since then.
  • The Incredible Hulk: Though it features the same name as a previous title, this Hulk game takes place in the current era. It follows the Hulk on an adventure as he tries to save the world. This one also lets you take control of Bruce Banner and keep the Hulk in check.
What is the Lego Marvel Super Heroes line?

The Lego Marvel Super Heroes line refers to two games in the same action franchise. First released in 2013, it became successful enough that the developers released a second title in 2017. These Hulk games require that you control the Incredible Hulk in some levels. You can also unlock other versions of the Hulk and go back into past levels to unlock new features. Red Hulk is just one you can unlock and use to smash other characters. These titles feature classic and lesser-known characters like Iron Man and Squirrel Girl. Each one features some minor cartoon violence but is generally suitable for all ages. You can do iconic Hulk moves in these games like his signature smash move.

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