Key Blanks for Nissan Rogue

Key Blanks for Nissan Rogue

Key blanks are necessary from time to time. Your Nissan Rogue depends on these to be able to turn the ignition, lock doors, and more. Understanding more about these parts will allow you to get what you need for your Nissan.

What is a key blank?

A key blank is a key that has not yet been cut to fit a specific ignition cylinder. The blade of the part is smooth on both edges. However, even though the key is uncut, you will still need to buy a key blank specific your vehicle, especially if you are choosing one with keyless entry.

Why should you have key blanks?

Buying these parts makes sense for an array of reasons. You might need one to replace a lost part, to create a spare, or even to have extras to give others who may drive your Nissan Rogue. You can buy as many as needed so that you have sufficient keys on hand for your vehicle.

How are the key blades cut?

Blades are cut using specialized machinery. Teeth are cut into the blade by grinding away metal. A template is used to create the new key, which is most commonly an existing key that has already been cut for your specific vehicle. In some instances, the ignition cylinder can be used if there is no template available. It may be necessary to replace the cylinder when getting a new key. Most are cut by locksmiths to ensure that the metal is buffed away so that there are no harsh edges. If you choose a key blank connected to a remote, you may need to program it to coordinate with the receiving unit inside your vehicle.

What are the different features?

A key for a Nissan Rogue may have an array of different features to choose from.

  • Buttons that allows you to lock and unlock your Rogue’s doors remotely
  • Plastic bow with Nissan logo
  • Retractable design
  • Transponder chip inside
  • Ignition cylinder paired with the key blanks
How do you buy key blanks for a Nissan Rogue?

Its important to buy parts that will work for your Nissan. There are a few things to consider to ensure a key blank is compatible with your vehicle.

  • Model year: Identify the model year of your Rogue to find a compatible part.
  • Set: Consider purchasing a set that includes a new ignition cylinder.
  • OEM or Aftermarket: Determine if you want a genuine Nissan part or a compatible part from an aftermarket brand.
  • Quantity: Choose to purchase one key blank or multiple blanks, depending on your needs.