Lab Evaporators

Frequently Asked Questions About Laboratory Rotary Evaporators

If you are a researcher, a rotary evaporator tool is extremely important for your work, and it can help you save time during your experiments in the laboratory. Rotary evaporators are created for laboratory usage and you can find many new and fully functional, pre-owned equipment on eBay at reasonable prices.

What are the components of a rotary evaporator?

A rotary evaporator will often come with a variety of components and instruments, each of which can help add efficiency to your research experiments in the lab:

  • Motor unit: Rotates the evaporation flask.
  • Vapor duct: The axis of rotation, also acts as the conduit for vapor to be drawn from the sample with the aid of the vacuum system.
  • Heated fluid bath: Heats the sample for quick evaporation.
  • Condensate-collecting flask: Placed at the bottom of the flask to catch distillate after it re-condenses from vacuum.
  • Motorized mechanism: Lifts the evaporate from the heating bath once the sample has been evaporated.
What is the temperature range for the rotary evaporator?

There are various temperature ranges for the rotary evaporator, but most fall within the 0 degrees Celsius to 180 degrees Celsius range. If you have the need for a higher temperature level, youll want to look into lab evaporators with a higher wattage power output as those will likely give you a higher temperature level.

How do you maintain rotary evaporator equipment?

The evaporator and its accessories can be maintained in a variety of ways in the lab. Keep these in mind as they are the key to implementing a properly functioning piece of equipment:

  • Glass: Use a dilute sulfuric acid wash to clean the glass if it has serious substrate or dirt on it.
  • Seal ring: Since heating the evaporator is quite common in the lab, youll want to make sure the seal ring is free of corrosion. Doing this will ensure the vacuum works properly.
  • Fluorine joints: Unless there is serious dirt or substrate, you typically dont need to wash the joints on a regular basis.
  • Water bath: If you are using tap water over distilled water, make sure the water spots are clean on the electric heating circle to ensure a good heating condition.

After use, clean any part of the rotary evaporator that has been contaminated by the sample, switch off the condenser, and turn off the water bath.