Nintendo Video Game Power Gloves

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Nintendo Power Glove: The Power Is in Your Hands

The Nintendo Power Glove is a classic game controller device that puts you in control of some classic Nintendo Entertainment System games. The glove is versatile, with many ways to get into the action. As a precursor to later game systems such as the Nintendo Wii, the power glove is unique because it uses a sensor gesture-based system to control glove movements. There are many fun ways to get the most out of this gaming device.

What Controls the Power Glove?

The controls on the glove chassis look complex, but as you get a feel of how the device works, your motions through a gaming experience will become second nature.

  • 17 buttons
  • Direction pad
  • LED indicator light

How Do the Sensors Work?

Locate the sensors around your television console, pointing towards the viewer of the screen. These sensors will coincide with the motion of the glove and provide a virtual experience on the screen. No other NES controller or controller in general has this power glove's versatility.

  • Gesture-based
  • Connects into console
  • Gloves and sensors link together

What Kind of Games Use the Power Glove?

Many games were designed to make use of the Power Glove. Titles such as Top Gun, Bubble Bobble, and Ms. Pacman were able to put this video game controller in motion. With each gesture, the player can see their motion on the screen and imagine if they are actually in the action. This sets in motion all the possibilities that are to come. These innovations made it fun to be alive and play video games that provide you with wonder and excitement.

  • Combat games
  • Fighting games
  • Sports games

How Do You Play Games With the Nintendo Power Glove for Sale?

The NES power glove plugs directly into the game console controller slot. Although the range of motion is limited due to the presence of the cord, there is still enough room to be fully engaged with the glove on. The game sensors plug into a module that attaches the power glove and sensors.

  • Gesture-based finger commands
  • Waving the entire glove
  • Using the buttons to shoot or run

What Other Game Accessories Are Available?

Through the publication Nintendo Power, gamers were not only shown what the latest games were, but they were also able to see the latest hardware accessories. Nintendo had a variety of controllers that made the game much more enjoyable. These Nintendo-produced devices made the NES experience much more enjoyable and interesting to participate in.

  • Steering wheel
  • Laser gun
  • Roller ball controller

Content is provided for informational purposes only. eBay is not affiliated with or endorsed by Nintendo.

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