Organ Sheet Music & Song Books

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A Guide to Buying Organ Sheet Music

The organ is one of the oldest instruments still used by contemporary musicians. While the organs were first invented in Ancient Greece, they flourished during the European Renaissance when technical refinements allowed organ players to expand their musical repertoire. Because this instrument has been around for centuries, today's organ players have a wide selection of organ sheet music to choose from.

Classical music composers for the organ

When shopping for organ sheet music, classical music dominates. Because of the organ's storied history, players have access to hundreds of years worth of classical compositions. During the Baroque period, Handel, Bach, and Pachelbel composed stylized, grandiose organ music. Haydn, Beethoven, and Mozart composed a few organ pieces during the Classical era, but the succeeding Romantic era was the important period for organ music. Thanks to new innovations in organ technology, composers like Charles-Marie Widor, Cesar Frank, Felix Mendelssohn, Johannes Brahms, and Franz Liszt created memorable music for the organ.

What other genres of music are available?

While the classical genre dominates the organ canon, it's by no means the only genre available. Other options include:

  • Religious music - Organs are often used in religious settings, and there's no shortage of organ sheet music designed for the church. When shopping for organ scores on eBay, you'll find organ hymns, Christmas carols, and devotional duets.
  • Soundtracks - You can also find organ song books that feature favorite film scores from movies like The Godfather, Funny Girl, and The Sound of Music.
  • Pop - For organ-playing pop fans, options range from the Beatles to Burt Bacharach.
  • Children's - Introduce kids to the joys of organ music with musical scores written for children. On eBay, you can find song books that compile beloved tunes from Disney as well as fun singalong song books. For younger kids, look for nursery rhymes and lullabies.
  • Military - While organs may be used most frequently in religious services, they're also used in military settings. If you're looking for organ pieces suitable for military gatherings, you can find sheet music for national anthems and military marches. Look for Sousa marches and Edward Elgar's "Pomp and Circumstance," which are available in organ arrangements.

Can you find organ music for any skill level?

Whether you're new to the instrument or a professional organist, you can find sheet music on eBay that suits your skill level. Options include:

  • Beginner - Beginner players may want to shop for educational sheet music like Pointer System manuals, which guide new musicians from one skill to the next. Christmas carols and '60s pop hits are also good choices for new organ players.
  • Intermediate - Intermediate players may want to try some of the liturgical classics as they're a staple of any professional organist's repertoire.
  • Advanced - Advanced players may want to tackle some of the complex pieces from composers like Felix Mendelssohn and Franz Liszt, who wrote organ sonatas and fugues during the 19th century.