Ravensburger Puzzles

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How to Pick the Right Ravensburger Puzzles

Ravensburger’s jigsaw puzzles are available in many pictures, including world maps, animals, and everything in between. Puzzles can be an activity for children and adults of all ages.

How do you choose a puzzle for a child?

Jigsaw puzzles can be an enjoyable way to teach problem-solving skills to children of all ages. When choosing a product for a child, you'll want to keep the following in mind:

  • Number of pieces
  • Size of pieces
  • Picture and color variation
  • Thickness of puzzle pieces

Ravensburger offers games that are suitable for both children and adults, from simple puzzles for preschool-aged children to more complicated puzzles ideal for the avid puzzler.

How many pieces are in Ravensburger puzzles?

For small, toddler-aged children, Ravensburger offers games with few pieces that can give young children a fun introduction to puzzles. As children age, products are available with increasing difficulty and number of pieces.

Adults who are eager to take on a challenge can enjoy puzzles with more than 1000 pieces. Those who are truly interested in going for a big achievement can embark on a puzzle with more than 40,000 pieces.

What are Ravensburger puzzles made of?

The card stock used for puzzles is designed with both durability and aesthetics in mind. The cellulose fibers in the puzzle are cut carefully and are properly aligned to ensure a good fit between the pieces. Ravensburger jigsaw puzzles are also made with eco-friendly materials. The puzzle prints are composed of special linen-embossed paper that reduces reflection to provide a seamless picture when the puzzle is complete.

How do you use the Ravensburger conserver?

Once you've completed a Ravensburger puzzle, the sense of achievement can be great. Taking apart your masterpiece can seem like an anticlimactic end. Fortunately, the conserver from Ravensburger, allows you to keep your accomplishment intact for years to come.

The Ravensburger conserver is easy to use with the following steps:

  • Create a clear workspace and lay down wax paper or plastic wrap to protect the surface.
  • Apply the conserver to the puzzle's surface, paying particular attention to the crevices between pieces.
  • Repeat application, if necessary.
  • Allow the conserver to dry for around an hour until clear.

What is the origin of Ravensburger?

Ravensburger was founded in Germany by Otto Robert Maier at the end of the 19th century. What started as a small product line expanded to include many books and games, including jigsaw puzzles. Prior to the First World War, Ravensburger offered several hundred products and has continued to expand ever since. Ravensburger now offers over 1,800 products including jigsaw puzzles, games, and books.