Recumbent Elliptical

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The Right Recumbent Elliptical Machine for You on eBay

Some recumbent elliptical machines are set up for both sitting and standing, and others are designed for sitting only. You can find them with moving arms or stationary ones, and some have data screens and even built-in TVs. On eBay, you'll find a large selection of models with many of these features.

Types of recumbent elliptical machines

These are three of the recumbent elliptical categories that have been represented in listings on eBay:

  • Recumbent bike with adjustable pedals: Sit or stand as you work out, and use the side grips in a seated position or the moving arms in a standing position.
  • Seated elliptical with no standing capability: Tall, movable arms at the sides of the seat are available to use for cardio training in a seated position.
  • Recumbent seated elliptical with swivel chair: The arms are stationary for those with limited mobility.
What's a hybrid recumbent elliptical trainer?

A hybrid model combines more than one function. This type of elliptical has adjustable pedals for sitting or standing and is one kind of hybrid. The convenience of that setup is that you can exercise in the recumbent position or stand for cardio training.

A complete workout

Just because an elliptical trainer is recumbent, that doesn't mean you're not getting a good workout from using it. As long as you have an adjustable seat, you can target different leg muscles. For an effective upper body routine, movable arms help you work out your arm and shoulder muscles. Whether you're using a commercial recumbent elliptical or one designed for home use, your health will benefit from exercise.

Uses of an elliptical trainer LCD display

Having a display that shows information about your workout can be a good motivator. It's an easy, one-touch way to set your resistance and time, and many trainers have pre-set workout routines that vary in length and intensity. An LCD display also provides you with ongoing data about your workout. Some of the information that's often shown on recumbent elliptical screens during a workout includes:

  • Distance
  • Speed
  • Resistance
  • Time
  • Calories
  • Stats
  • Heart rate
Top brands in recumbent elliptical machines

Top manufacturers are represented in the choices available on eBay. Some of the recumbent elliptical trainers are geared toward rehabilitation with extra features for easy use. Others are multi-purpose machines that provide a cardio benefit and strengthen muscles. A few of the brands represented include:

  • ProForm
  • SciFit
  • Octane
  • Physiostep
  • NuStep
  • Life Fitness