Samsung Windows 8 PC Laptops & Netbooks

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Choosing a Windows 8 Laptop

At its core, being able to navigate the OS on a laptop determines how well you will like your device. Samsung keeps up with the changing tech world of Operating Systems to ensure users are always getting the most of their computing experience. Enjoy the many improved benefits and features that Windows 8 brings to users.

What are the Benefits of Using Windows 8?

  • Touchscreen - Windows 8 allows for a touchscreen interface, which enables owners to use their finger to navigate the screen. Sometimes it is more convenient to use your finger to push a button then to use the trackpad.
  • Networking - In addition to making it easy to connect to a wireless connection, Windows 8 offers an option to enable Airplane Mode. What's more, Windows 8 will track the data usage for 3G/4G networks.
  • Dual-monitor support - Set up your second monitor and configure the taskbar for each display. In addition, the sides and corners of each monitor are active for easy view of hot zones such as the charms bar and the app switcher.
  • Fast startup - The Window 8 update boosts a startup time of half of what it takes for Windows 7 to boot. It might only be a few seconds, but when you are trying to get online, it seems like an eternity.

What Features Should You Look for on a Laptop?

  • Battery Life - The ideal battery life would be all day use: however, that is not always possible. Battery life of 8 or more hours is essential for those that plan to take the laptop on the go.
  • Graphics - Know before you go. Those that plan to play games or create 3D objects will need a discrete graphics processor that will carry the load.
  • Screen size - The size of the display varies from extremely small to moderately huge. The key is to find a balance between usability and portability in order to take the device with you.
  • Processor - Known as the \"brain\" of the computer, the processor has the most influence on performance. Windows computers use an Intel processor, but the generation varies from one Samsung computer model to another. Get the most out of your system with the latest processor.
  • RAM and Hard Drive - There is a difference between RAM and hard drive storage. To increase the speed of your notebook, look for higher storage amounts. Typically, 4 GB of RAM and at least 32 GB of memory is enough for the average user.
  • Portability - The number one reason users use a laptop is for the portability. To make the PC portable it needs to be small enough and light enough to carry comfortably from one location to another.

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