Pro Audio Synthesizers

Pro Audio Synthesizers

The audio synthesizer digitally conjures up sounds without strings or reeds. Utilizing an electronic keyboard, synthesizers are an indispensable instrument for pro audio users. With technological enhancements, synthesizers are now able to incorporate a musician's passion into performances that are greater and livelier.

What is a synthesizer used for?

Often abbreviated as synth, audio synthesizers are musical instruments that generate music through electrical signals that are relayed to speakers, amplifiers, or earphones. Audio synthesizers can imitate traditional musical equipment like guitars, pianos, or flutes, making them useful for pieces that need accompaniment. They can also produce natural sounds like ocean waves. They can also be used to create totally electronic music.

What factors are important in a synthesizer?

Your individual preferences and the kind of music you intend to play are, of course, always the top of the list. However, taking into consideration the following will give you a start toward selecting an appropriate synthesizer.

  • Analog or Digital: Some people like sound of an analog synthesizer, while others prefer digital synthesizers. Choosing one will set the tone for whether you will be using preset tones or always creating your own. The digital route offers a full polyphonic synth, while analog tends to have more accurate sound.
  • Polyphony: This will ultimately depend on how many voices you want on your audio synthesizer. A voice is how many notes a synth can play, in the same way that a piano has 88. Monophonic synths, on the other hand, play one tone at a time and are reserved for melodies, effects, bass lines, and lead lines.
  • Drums: Some audio synthesizers come with preset drum beats you can play to. They act similarly to a metronome, allowing you to play your melody to suit the tempo and rhythm of the beats.
  • MIDI Implementation: If you want to ever use your synth with your PC, synchronize your notes, or store them on your computer for future reuse, look out for a synth with this feature. The music file can then be used in musical programs to expand upon a base melody.
What is the difference between modular and semi-modular synthesizers?

A modular synthesizer is made up of individual modules that have to work in unison in order to be effective. They must be patched together by cables because one module can only perform a limited task. A semi-modular synthesizer, on the other hand, is wired internally and does not require patching up of wires to create sound. However, the latter model allows you to extend the capabilities of the synth by providing patch points. When you do patch, the internal pre-wired system is either disconnected or the signals are mixed.

What is control voltage?

Control voltage, or CV, refers to one of the signals that are passed through patch cables. Modules are able to control one another through this voltage. For instance, the oscillator module is directly proportional to the CV at the input. In the physics of audio synthesizers, modules that normally generate CV include envelope generators, low-frequency oscillators, and MIDI converters.