Steering Wheels & Horns for Ford F-100

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Ford F-100 Steering Wheels and Horns

When you want to steer your F-100, the hub and spoke design of the powered steerable column provide you with a place to grasp and make small adjustments to the direction. The tires respond to your actions, and the column provides you with the ability to control the pickups horn, turn on the cars ignition, set the engine speed for the cruise control, and actuate the turn signals as you prepare to turn the truck. If any part of the column develops a malfunction, replacement of the entire unit helps to ensure that you can enjoy full functionality of your Ford truck.

What are the features of Ford F-100 steering wheels?
  • Padded or cushioned: The padding and cushioning provide you with comfort when going on a long drive in your vehicle. The padding also helps to reduce fatigue in your hands and provides an ergonomic grasp.
  • Adjustable: The column can be adjusted so that the angle of the helm and tiller is in a more natural position for you to reach, turn, and hold onto while in your vehicle.
  • Blue oval horn actuator: At the center of the helm, the oval horn actuator bears the familiar Ford logo. Pushing on the actuator causes the horn to signal. The actuator can be pushed anywhere on its surface in order to sound the cars horn.
How do you choose Ford F-100 steering wheels?
  • Choose a material: Choose steering wheels made from aluminum, billet, chrome, plastic, rubber, or wood. The coverings of the steering wheels may be made of a different material than the framing underneath. The horn actuator is typically made of a chrome rim that is covered by plastic.
  • Select a color: Choose from a range of colors, including black, gray, blue, brown, tan, red, or pink.
  • Choose a manufacturer: Steering wheels for the Ford pickup trucks are available by manufacturers such as AC Delco Professional, Fly5D, Grant, and Oxgord. They are also available through Ford. Unbranded steering wheels are also available for these pickup trucks.
How do you remove Ford F-100 steering wheels?

To remove the steering wheel, you will need to first remove the horn button from the center of the wheel. This exposes the shaft onto which the unit is mounted. Begin by making sure that the steerable column is centered and that the trucks tires are straight. Push down on the horn button and turn it counterclockwise. It should pop up so that you can pull it out. Note that it is spring-loaded. Use a wrench to remove the nut from the shaft and attach an all-purpose puller to the central shaft assembly. Align the puller holes with the assembly hardware. Use bolts to attach the puller. Slowly screw in the central bolt on the puller. This attaches the helm and tiller to the puller. The entire assembly and puller will then come off when you pull with your hands.