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Returns and refunds
- Top returns and refunds articles for you
- Buying as a guest2 min article
- Get help if you bought as a guest3 min article
If you want to return an item, or if there's a problem with your order, the first step is to let the seller know. If you're not able to resolve things with the seller, you can ask us to help.
- Get help with an item that hasn't arrived4 min article
If the estimated delivery date for your order has passed and your item hasn't arrived, you can let the seller know by reporting that you didn't receive it.
Where's my item?
- Get help with an item that hasn't arrived4 min article
If the estimated delivery date for your order has passed and your item hasn't arrived, you can let the seller know by reporting that you didn't receive it.
- Tracking your item1 min article
You can follow your package online all the way to your shipping address when the seller uploads tracking information.
- Check the status of your request2 min article
If you've requested a return or reported that you didn't receive your order, you can check the status at any time.
- Ask eBay to step in and help for buyers1 min article
If you requested a return or reported an issue with your purchase and the seller hasn't responded, or if you're not able to resolve things with them, you can ask us to help.
- Appeal the outcome of a case as a buyer2 min article
If you don't agree with our resolution when we've stepped in to help resolve an issue, you can appeal by providing new information within 30 calendar days of the case closing.
Returning items
- Return an item for a refund4 min article
If you've changed your mind about an item you bought or there's something wrong with it, you can request a return.
- Check the status of your request2 min article
If you've requested a return or reported that you didn't receive your order, you can check the status at any time.
- Ask eBay to step in and help for buyers1 min article
If you requested a return or reported an issue with your purchase and the seller hasn't responded, or if you're not able to resolve things with them, you can ask us to help.
- Appeal the outcome of a case as a buyer2 min article
If you don't agree with our resolution when we've stepped in to help resolve an issue, you can appeal by providing new information within 30 calendar days of the case closing.
- Return shipping for buyers2 min article
There are several ways you can send an item back to the seller. Who pays the cost of return shipping will depend on why you’re returning it, and the seller’s return policy.
- Get help if you bought as a guest3 min article
If you want to return an item, or if there's a problem with your order, the first step is to let the seller know. If you're not able to resolve things with the seller, you can ask us to help.
How sellers manage returns and refunds
- Help a buyer with an item they didn't receive3 min article
If a buyer doesn't receive their item, they're entitled to a refund unless you can provide tracking information showing that it was delivered.
- How to handle a return request as a seller4 min article
You can choose whether to accept returns if a buyer changes their mind about a purchase. However, if an item arrives damaged, doesn't match the listing description, or if the buyer receives the wrong item, you'll generally need to accept the return.
- Ask eBay to step in and help for sellers2 min article
If your buyer has requested a return or let you know about an issue with their purchase and you can't resolve things for them, you can ask us to help.
- Appeal the outcome of a case as a seller2 min article
If you don't agree with our resolution when we've stepped in to help resolve an issue, you can appeal by providing new information within 30 calendar days of the case being closed.
- Refunding buyers2 min article
Depending on the situation, there are a number of ways a refund can be issued. Refunds can be issued by you, or by eBay.
- See 3 more articles