The right listing and editing tools depend on the size of your business, as well as the number and format of listings you have.
Upload your listings
Seller Hub Reports
Seller Hub Reports, formerly known as eBay File Exchange, lets you upload and manage your inventory easily and efficiently in CSV or tab-delimited files. This can be accessed on the eBay platform, via Seller Hub. Learn more about how to use Seller Hub Reports.
- Inventory volume: High
- Tool complexity: Medium
Try Seller Hub Reports - opens in new window or tab.
Merchant Integration Platform
Merchant Integration Platform (MIP) is a feed-based platform that lets you upload your inventory in bulk, then quickly and efficiently create listings and manage orders. If you are familiar with feed files used with other marketplaces, such as Amazon or Google Shopping, you can start selling on eBay right away with MIP's standard CSV and XML feed formats.
The max feed file size supported is 25 MB. If it's larger than that then we recommend you split it into multiple files.
- Inventory volume: High
- Tool complexity: High
Find out more about the Merchant Integration Platform - opens in new window or tab.
Inventory API
eBay Inventory API is a RESTful API that offers a retail standard solution for sellers to manage their inventory and create listings using SKUs. The API enables sellers to create and manage inventory item records, track inventory levels, and convert these inventory items into listings on eBay.
With the Inventory API, sellers can streamline their inventory management workflows and optimize their listings to improve their sales performance on eBay. The API provides a range of resources, such as the Inventory Location Entity, Offer Entity, and Metadata Entity, to support various aspects of inventory management and product listing creation.
- Inventory volume: High
- Tool complexity: High
Find out more about the Inventory API - opens in new window or tab.
Trading API
eBay’s Trading API enables large sellers and 3rd party platforms to integrate seamlessly with the eBay marketplace. Among other capabilities, the Trading API allows users to add, revise, relist, or end eBay listings.
- Inventory volume: High
- Tool complexity: High
Find out more about the Trading API - opens in new window or tab.
Sell Feed API
The Sell Feed API lets sellers upload and download feed files and reports, and create schedules. The eBay Sell Feed API enables the bulk listing of products that are processed by eBay asynchronously ("in the background" without the user having to wait for the task to finish).
Sellers can create an upload task for each feed type, then upload the bulk listing file to eBay, and once eBay processes the file, they can download the result file to see if the feed file was processed successfully. There are feed types to add, revise, relist, and end listings.
The Sell Feed API also has the capability of downloading an Active Inventory Report that gives a seller price, quantity, and other details about all active listings.
- Inventory volume: High
- Tool complexity: High
Find out more about the on Sell Feed API - opens in new window or tab
Manage your listings
The Bulk Listing Tool
The Bulk Listing Tool makes managing up to 2,000 listings easier and more efficient. Using the tool, sellers can relist items, revise existing listings, sell similar products, and finish multiple drafts.
The tool can be accessed in multiple ways from Seller Hub - opens in new window or tab:
The Bulk Listing Tool makes it easy for sellers to:
- keep track of and edit up to 2,000 listings using photo thumbnails and table view
- set pricing for multiple Buy it Now and Auction items at once
- save time managing details of your Volume Pricing and Promoted Listings
- overwrite pricing to the same value when applying “Change to” across listings by a specific dollar amount
- schedule the start time and set the intervals for multiple listings
You can increase or decrease pricing across multiple listings by applying a total percentage or dollar amount.
- Inventory size: Medium (Up to 2000 listings)
- Tool complexity: Low