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The radio looks nice and seems to be made of good quality materials. Instructions are not that easy to follow and not in enough detail. I would prefer a button that can be pushed to activate the alarm. for someone that has to get up each morning at the same time, you could set it and forget it. But for a retired person that only wants to get up early once a week or so, after the alarm goes off, and you don't want it to go off the next morning, you must go through the process of getting to the alarm through the menu system in order to turn it from ON to Off. Then when you want it on again, you have to go through the process again. For the weekly test, it doesn't really explain how to turn the siren off once it starts. After a lot of searching I found out the alarm can be put on mute, so you don't have to hear it. But then you don't know if it is working. I feel it is a little bit high priced. If it does its job when it is supposed to, then I will be satisfied with it. Read full review
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I have had one of these weather radios for over a year and it has worked very well. I bought a second one for my dad, to replace his old one that was not programmable. The S.A.M.E. functions are easy to program for the county(s) that you want to get alerts for, and lets you set the types of alerts you receive. For example I live over 300 miles from Chicago, but would still get missing child alerts from there at 3 or 4 AM! I have programmed these out, as I hate being awakened in the wee hours for something that I can do nothing about. I know people who have gotten rid of their weather radios because of these missing child alerts! These days a programmable weather radio with S.A.M.E. capabilities is a must, and this Midland radio fills the bill nicely!
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
Bought this to replace a WR-100 that quit playing the NOAA weather radio broadcast and was emitting a tone instead. Based on some searches online it seems that is not uncommon with these models of Midland units. Set up and operation are relatively straight forward if you follow the instructions (available from Midland online). I'm not sure exactly, but I think the previous one (purchased new) lasted about 5 years. Don't know how old this used one is, but I hope it is better made and lasts longer. Time will tell...
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
Radio works great. But read the instructions and choose the alerts you want. Otherwise it will go off for any type of alert and your neighbors will hate you. Do you really need small craft warnings at 3:00am in Phoenix, AZ? It is loud!!
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
I had considered replacing a Radio Shack weather radio that was several years old. It still worked but went off frequently...rather annoying. After seeing ads in my area for Midland weather radios at various locations with a local meteorologist on hand to program I opted to update. I found the radio at Ebay for a price less than local stores and ordered one. I programmed it myself and am happy with it thus far. It has not gone off without reason so far. I believe this was a good choice.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
It went off the other night and within moments it started to thunder. I was able to unplug our laptops to avoid damage from a power surge. In the past, I was happy when our last weather radio bit the dust as we had it sitting on our headboard and it was too loud and shocking being awaken from sleep. We keep this one in the bathroom and can still hear it but doesn't jar us awake. The announcements are clear and so far just gets our county as programmed.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Nice, fairly easy to operate, compact weather radio. I made a mistake programming a county I didn't want to monitor and could not find how to correct my error in the provided directions. I found several folks on line who had the same issue but others who posted a way to correct the error.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
The WR120 is an easy to program radio and works good in keeping us informed about the weather. Only con is the alert alarm. It’s so loud it scares us every time and my wife has to hold her hands over her ears. Only way to stop it is to program the alert to the “display” setting but then no audible alarm will sound and only a text alert will scroll across the screen. Needs a volume setting on the alert alarm.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
Very easy to program without consulting the instructions. Battery backup is great, better than the mobile one I used to have.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Works really well even in heavily wooded areas, which is why I put up with the hassle of programming it. I would prefer more buttons that immediately take you to where you want to go rather trying to manipulate two buttons that are convinced they're a freakin' flow chart. Sorry, Midland, but weather/emergency radios shouldn't mimic bureaucratic bull****
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
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