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If you sent this watch back in time, at least 3 things would happen without doubt. First, it would survive to today, which is why it exists anyway. Secondly, it's so well designed in merely STYLE ALONE that it would indubitably spur on the contrivances of everyday life in the jurassic period to continue on without any interruption of the flow and passage of time (or infliction against eBays community standards policy). Possibly this is due to the quartz crystal inside, or due to the sheer visual pungent ness it exhibits whilst strapped to your life execution extremity. It must be added that this watch is nearly 100% waterproof, baby proof, life proof, except for lens scratching - just wear it on the inside of your wrist. Lightweight, forget about it when you need to do dishes but remember it when you need to make a quick calculation, be woken up at any time by 20 consecutive beeps, time a lap around the track or even tell you when you need to check your pot roast by countdown. Thirdly, if somehow you were to ever find this watch still on your wrist after traveling through a black hole, it would likely still be intact to wake you up for your 9-5 desk job. Welcome to the Matrix, Neo - yes, this gadget is the only true love your arm will ever need. EDIT 2/1/2019: This watch has survived a (multiple) trip(s) through the washing machine (attached pic related - taken just after being thoroughly cleaned). Once in a while the band will pop off due to a lot of stress, but it is simple enough to pop it back into place. Alas, most good things end. Biggest issue faced in the true, non-time-jumping reality of the Matrix with this watch is that of the rubber band itself ripping after it gets too worn out. I simply buy another one at this point, but I've considered replacing it with a metal band because the calculator is hard to live without. The rubber buttons can also get ripped off if you are careless with it. Just... Avoid that. Read full review
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Over the years, I've gone through several of these watches, simply from being worn out. It seems I always need a quick calculator along with accurate time in 24-hour format and this watch has always worked well for me. I use the alternate time when wife is in Philippines. In fact, I use ALL the features at one time or another; stopwatch, alarm and I don't worry about getting it wet, either. It's hard to scratch the lens; it's tough. And the band will give out long before the battery. Don't need a stylus for calculating -- fingertip or even fingernail will do. It's a great product like most everything Casio makes.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I've been buying this same watch for 15+ years now. After 3 years or so on my wrist, it gets scratched and dirty, so I buy a new one. I've never had to replace a battery. I found one from about 10 years ago in my dresser drawer and its still running on the original battery! I've accidentally gone swimming in the ocean with it and no harm done. I've never managed to damage one badly enough to make it stop working. The buttons are small, but just big enough for easy use by man-sized fingers. The weak point is the band. It breaks after a year or so. Can you tell I'm sorta hard on watches?
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Retro icon on your wrist! I really love it's design and it works perfect with any style of clothes. Also it looks good on any size of wrist, which is rare thing. I was surprised how loud alarm signal is which is very useful. Can't really tell anything negative about it, it's perfect!
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I wouldn't call this watch stylish unless the effect you are after is retro! 'Old school'.....Sure! But, practical at times(if you don't have a smart phone or it's not convenient). I have used these watches for well over a decade, and I can tell you the watch band breaks well before the watch dies. One tip though: so far my batteries have lasted a couple of years on average. At that time, when I have replaced the battery, the watch hasn't lived more than 3 months. My suggestion is...when the battery dies replace the watch. Also, be aware this watch face is NOT illuminated.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I was looking for a new watch and this was the perfect one! I love the calculator feature because now I don’t have to whip out my phone every time I do a simple calculation. The only thing I wish it had was a light because in the dark you can barely see anything. But other than that it’s a good watch especially for the cost.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Be different from all those Rolex wanna be’s, this watch here from this seller is all you need. Extremely affordable, durable, & different. Perfect way to show your personal style & also perfect for a camping trip/ outdoorsman. Great way to get off your phone too. & extremely slim!! I️ really love this watch & this seller was amazing, fast shipment, cheapest new price.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Do you like calculator watches? if you do, you probably know that Casio makes the best and has for many years. This is a time tested proven model, unchanged for well over a decade. Small, lightweight, simple to understand and use, fairly rugged, very inexpensive. I don't baby and protect mine at all and they lasts several years. I eventually do ruin them and buy another, now on my third one. There are 3 things I think would make them better. The month and day should always show, instead of being one button push away. The display needs a tiny, low drain LED light for night viewing. And I always replace the rubber buckle band with an elastic metal band. Small negatives for all the positives. Overall, these are really neat looking, fun and useful watches to wear and a terrific bargain. I hope they never stop making them.Read full review
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I have been wearing this watch forever. It does everything I want. I never use another calculator or alarm. Time date it does it all. Sure my phone has all this but I don't care.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Great watch! Comfortable, looks all legit, homies be jealous. Thank you!
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
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