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First Pokemon games I played were Switch games. I expected 3DS games to be less advanced and not as interesting. They turned out to be the opposite: the gameplay is so exciting, I cannot put the console down. Pokemon X is among the best. Yes, graphics are no Switch, but they are still really, really good. Yes, the game mechanics are older, and some things we take for granted in Switch are hard to get in here. You are not showered with pokeballs, money, rare candy and instant travel right from the start. You have to work hard for them. But it makes things so much more precious, and to me that's actually one of the appeals of the older games. There is a lot of content: Kalos region is really big, and after you get new abilities, you also want to revisit the places you've been before. Visually, there is a lot of great scenery that helps you to immerse into the world. There is a lot of pokemon I never saw in Switch games, or even in Pokemon Go. A number of really fun game elements I never encountered before, either. You can run around on roller skates, ride on cute baby goats and bond with your pokemon by playing mini games with them. And the big one: this is where they introduce Mega Evolution for the first time, and it's SUPER-exciting. This game was keeping me on the edge of my seat the entire time, and I am planning a second run-through. Would highly recommend.Read full review
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
I bought both for $65 a little high but they were mint and a pair I couldn’t be happier I like these better than sun and moon it is a bit odd how even with the d pad it’s 8 way controls but it’s super easy to get used to plus “spoiler alert” once you get the skates it switches from 8 way controls to normal d pad controls super fun game “spoiler alert” you get kanto starters early in the game after the getting a choice between the x and y starters!!! Such an awesome addition!! Overall great game with strong and cool legendaries and so on can’t recommend more especially considering the low prices compared to other Pokémon games
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
If you’re looking for a compelling, fun, creative and aesthetically pleasing game that people of any age can get into, then here you go. You can do a quick “casual” play through the game just to enjoy the story and characters, or, if you love collecting, breeding, training, manipulating the battle stats of your individual creatures down to the smallest detail… then there’s that whole realm of Pokémon to get into as well. As of now it is 2021 and X and Y are no longer the most recent entries in the series but all Pokémon games have proven that they can stand the test of time just by the sheer fun of the gameplay formula. These graphics and online features aren’t going to impress anyone used to playing Pokémon on the Nintendo Switch, but they were great for the series when they came out and were the first of the 3D Pokémon games. Read full review
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
Pushed on my by a friend after I showed her how much I enjoyed Pocket Mortys. I don't think I would have gotten it if i had to pay full price for a new cart or nintendo store download. Really glad I did. Now I have maybe 3 or 4 different games (counting sun and moon as one game). Great way to get your feet wet if you're new.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
Up until now, I've only played XY by borrowing a friend's copy. It's a great relief to have my own and Kalos is such a beautiful region. The game appears to be working just fine and any fears I have over the save functions (due to past experience with used pokemon games) was unfounded. Thank you!
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
I'm glad that this was a trustworthy product. I understand that Pokemon games at a good price are usually scams but this one wasnt and I was thankful for that. Plus, I somehow got someone else's used copy that had put so many hours collecting pokemon in. It was great but I cleared the data.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
Came quickly, and cartridge is in good condition. I won't get into logistics of how it stacks up to old and new Pokemon titles, but I personally really love the game. I only wish it came with a case, since it is a gift for a friend. I just beat this game, and I hope he enjoys it too!
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
It’s been so long since I’ve played a Pokémon game on a game boy. Such a great purchase during this quarantine I haven’t been able to put it down. Has new and old Pokémon and it’s so much fun to play love the graphics and the nostalgia of gameplay.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
It's another excellent Pokemon game, what else is there to say? You get two starter Pokemon, which is fun, and in general it's just a very happy, welcoming, and enjoyable experience. You won't regret it!
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
This was a lifesaver when I originally lost my Pokemon X game so it made a perfect replacement. The game functions as it should with no issues. No problems with saving or using the wi-fi features.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
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