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This device is true full-featured LCR. It has measurement frequencies of DC/100Hz/120Hz/1kHz/10kHz/100kHz. The highest frequency used to be the domain of only bench meters; hobby meters often only went to 1kHz or 10kHz if you were willing to pay for it. It wasn't until recently that a hobbyist could afford a 100kHz LCR. On top of this, the meter can measure theta - phase angle, D (aka tan d) - dissipation factor, ESR, Q, series and parallel inductance, series and parallel capacitance, series and parallel resistance. It also has the ability to sort into bins:±0.25%, ±0.5%, ± 1%, ±2%, ±5%, ±10%, ±20%, and -20%+80%. Agilent has a similar handheld meter,the U1733C which costs ~$400. Basically all of these features are present on the Agilent and the Der EE, though the Agilent has one extra resistance range and has a few tenths of a percentage better accuracy on some ranges (for 4-5x the price). Great value for money.Read full review
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non brand 470uf cap reads 392uf 1khz 0.19 esr and 415uf 100hz 0.2 esr on a zoyi meter 457uf and a Bryman 235 463uf ATmega tester 437uf 1.6esr then tested my DE5000 alongside an older 5y old DE5000 read 394uf Conclusion the DE5000 must be true readings compared to the other equipment. low resistance measurements for wire wound resistors 1ohm , 0.3, were very accurate all tests with the supplied short alligator. I wait for some kelvin clips to make up a test lead to replace the aligators.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Got the product, calibrated it quite easly, used it no problems. smart device, finds out what it is measuring, caps or inductors, gives fast results. cant tell anything about accuracy yet, dont have any cap reference device but measuring various caps / inductors, it gave me close results to the theoretical calculations i made its light, its portable, it works as advertised. im happy.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
great product well made good price I did the kelvin clamp conversion to the adapter with the crocodile clips. I compared the DE -5000 to a $17,000 dollar E4980A Precision LCR Meter, 20 Hz to 2 MHz keysight at work and its so close its unbelievable. One thing i can say is if you are new to this sort of LCR meter watch this video to help properly understand how it functions on youtube by (TRX Bench) LCR's meter D, Q, Phi, ESR what is it all about demonstrated on DER EE DE-5000
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Built like a tank, when compared to my little Atlas ESR meter. Ton of features. It is unbeatable at this price. I took apart the TL-21 croc probe and replaced original leads with some longer Kelvin type leads with fine croc jaws, now it is awesome for desoldered parts. After trying this LCR meter I almost want to buy a DMM made by the same company.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
This LCR meter has been around for several years and is very popular because it offers very good accuracy for a meter costing several hundred dollars less than high end brand names. It is versatile, and very useful to me to check electronics components such as capacitors.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
It's solid, high quality with a great feature set. This easily costs three times more with other brands that are often just rebadging the DE5000. Only minus is that the alligator clips are quite short.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
This is my first experience with an LCR meter and so far I am suitably impressed. Previously my method of 'measuring' capacitors was to attach a multi-meter set to the resistance setting and watch the resistance value climb. The time taken to climb then is a reasonable proxy for a ballpark estimate of the cap's value. Well, doing that compared to using this meter is like coming out of the dark ages into the renaissance period. There simply is no comparison. Hook up a capacitor, wait a few seconds for the meter to do its thing, and read off not only the value, but various quality factors (Q, ESR, etc.) about the cap. that are more indicative of the actual goodness of the cap. than simply a ball park estimate of its capacitance. I still had lying around a couple filter caps that I replaced in an LCD monitor because they had "swelled" (the other indication of a cap. going bad) and attaching them to this meter very clearly shows that they are no good. I've also now found a few instances of caps that have not started to swell, but that have started to fail in any case. This meter will also typically measure a cap in circuit, which is a very nice plus, avoiding having to un-solder a cap. to try to measure it. One positive with this bundle was that it included the AC adapter. If one searches for reviews of this meter online, one can learn that it tends to wear down batteries on the quicker side (the reviews indicate that this is normal for all LCR meters). Having the AC adapter means no issues with wearing out 9V batteries rapidly. One negative, which can also be found from searching for reviews, is the very short leads on the alligator clip attachment. The leads are not very long at all, and this is a commonly indicated negative with this brand. However, searching for videos one can find several showing how to replace the very short leads with longer leads. This bundle did include the SMD tweezers attachment, and the tweezers do have a reasonably long cord, so if one mostly uses the tweezers this effect is reduced in any case. Overall I'm very pleased with the meter. This type of meter (an LCR meter) is one of those tools where you do not realize what you were missing until after you have one, and then after you do finally get one you wonder why you did not get a meter like this sooner. Read full review
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
The DE-5000 is a versatile instrument that can measure inductance, capacitance, and resistance to a high degree of accuracy. It has the ability to measure both in and out of circuit for maximum flexibility. It supports 100Hz, 120Hz, 1kHz, 10kHz, and 100kHz sampling rates to be able to measure the primary LCR values as well as ESR and DCR. The TL-21 alligator clip set is rather short and you may want to modify it with larger Kelvin clips. I would strongly suggest you try to buy the meter with the TL-21, TL-22, and TL-23 leads to get the best price. Also please be careful on checking the polarity of the battery when installing it as the reverse protection is implemented as a diode that serves as a fuse and will require SMD soldering to replace it. You will also need to search the internet if you need an English manual as the included one is only in Japanese as well as a capacitor ESR table to be able to correctly assess the health status of capacitors.Read full review
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
This is a high quality, feature packed LCR meter that has been a lab bench favorite for many years. Its has been reviewed to death, so the prospective buyer should have no problems finding youtube videos comparing it to other meters. This has significantly more features and is more capable and accurate than the $20 meters your going to see on eBay. It allows for multiple frequency options, series and parallel value calculations, quality and dissipation values, true 4-wire kelvin measurements, etc. Buy this. Make the alligator to kelvin clips modification, insert the battery the correct way, and you'll be very pleased with this meter on your bench.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
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