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They put a lot of effort on doing a brand new game and it delivers! Just straight out of the beggining you go to the wild area, a place you will be spending almost all the time of gameplay just looking for all the pokemon in its dynamic climate rotation system. You get a lot of variety to start a good team, not like other games that you had to get far in the game just to get good ones. The pokedex is about 400 pokemon so thats a big one, no national dex. The online part of the game is a most to get the best experience! The "surprise trade" of online play is the way to go for rare pokemon and the system does it automatic, not interrumpting your gameplay. Not a fan of that "dynamax" thing, much preferred the mega evolutions of previous games but guessing it's their take to add a new element to the game formula. The difficulty is however hindered a lot in this game probably to suit new players to the franchise, way too easy. They implemented pokemon let's go party experience feature that allows the party to receive experience even if not involved in battle. This opens up usage of more than just one team and raising weak pokemon easy! I am yet to test my might battling other players, too busy on other aspects. The combat system stays the same but some animations could have been better. Overall I give it an 8.5 out of 10 but still a must have!Read full review
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I've been playing Pokemon since 3rd gen but have played the first 2 gens before it. But you are here for the 8th gen Pokemon review. Don't ask yourself about the price, look at it like this: For every dollar spent is an hour you need out of it - meaning $50 is 50 hours worth of playtime. I've already put 15 hours in it with many more to go (100 minimum for a Pokemon game). I actually kinda like this game compared to everyone else who hates it for the 'graphics', or National Dex not being there. It's Pokemon, none of that matters to me (except National Dex I suppose but it doesn't make it or break it for me); hunting those badges and getting my team to level 100 with many hours of breeding for IVs is what makes Pokemon, Pokemon to me. My only issues are the wild areas; I don't care to much for those expansive areas nor do I like that you can see the pokemon before battling them but that's due to me being old school. The gym battles seem back to back as well; seems like you are battling another gym leader as soon as you beat the prior one, not sure if that's a good or bad thing. I can't tell you what you'll get out of endgame since I'm not there yet but breeding and trading will be mine and I'm looking foward to it. Thanks for reading my review and God bless! Read full review
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I really like this game so far. It reminds me of the old Gameboy Pokémon games, finally in a console version. There are plenty of Pokémon that I have encountered so far and I am only at the 5th gym, so in comparison, it seems as though a very large quantity of Pokémon are available very early on in the game, including Pikachu. I enjoy the customizable elements to the game and the added features as well. Definitely a good buy for any original Pokémon fans.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Great game, fun from the start, but probably not worth a full price of $60, considering how bland it feels compared to other, far more groundbreaking $60 switch games. Everything about it is "decent", but that's about it. Many of the newest features it introduces (such as the open exploration area) are great ideas, but they're not well developed to their fullest potential, rendering them boring after playing for some time. It's more hyped than anything else, then it becomes repetitive. Story mode is "alright", like everything else, but not "great". It's predecessor games (like Pokemon X) have seen better plot developments. Games like BOTW and Luigi's Mansion 3 are more worthy examples of the $60 price tag.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
The game isn't bad by any means. It's just so safe and honestly around the halfway point the game stops caring about pacing and seems to just fast forward through the world. The lesser pokedex size didn't hit too hard but I don't like the new additions too much. The world has a lot of people to talk to but the wild area leaves a lot to be desired. This is a review from a guy who just casually has played these games over the years. If you're wondering if you'll like this or your kid, you'll probably enjoy it if you haven't played many of the games. If you have played most of the entries, this is more of the same, with less overall value and a 20 dollar price bump. This bundle was a steal though!
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
First the graffix are simply amazing every evolution that just keep adding more and more detail to each pokemon. Second the gigamaxing is really refreshing and new style of gameplay. The new pokemon and gym battles are better than any previous version. This is not your typical pokemon game. Will be looking into getting shield as well.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Havent played in years, it was refreshing and the game wasn't complicated. It was easy to catch up on the series and best of all, it has many gen 1 and gen 2 pokemon
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
The game came in as a brand new cartridge in an old dinky switch game box with the labeling torn off, the package it came in doesn't matter to me. It was the quality of the game and the fact that I got it for the best price on eBay. It works great too!
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
I don't have a copy of the lets go games and had no way to get meltan or melmetal. These pokemon are exactly what I needed to finish out my national dex on home and I could not be more grateful. The extra shiny jirachi and mewtwo that came with the melmetal bundle was very nice. Cannot reccomend enough
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
The gameplay is amazing, the graphics are beautiful and the overall experience so far has been incredible. Awesome games from my favorite franchises and would highly recommend them to any Pokémon fan.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
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