I wasn't sure about Track-Bed at first, but I quickly came to prefer it for HO scale roadbed over cork or homasote. I simply nailed it down to my plywood base using Atlas rail spikes and then glued the track to it using Woodland Scenic's glue. I even super-elevated my curves using 5/8" masking tape applied to the outer radii, which adhered to the roadbed without a problem. The roadbed features a split down the center which is VERY handy for laying it on a curve. It cuts extremely easy with a sharp hobby razor knife. Its 5 mm (5/16") height is an HO scale 27". I could not mount my turnout ground throws on it, as it doesn't offer a stable enough platform (too squishy). But a 5/16" thick piece of strip wood matched up perfectly to the roadbed height. As for sound deadening, there is ZERO sound transferred to the wood table top from a train running on the tracks. This is great stuff and will be my go-to material to use in the future.Read full review
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I'm using the HO scale track bed. If your looking for an easy to use, low cost track bed with good noise control, this is a great choice. I used tack glue and a few strips of left over 1/4"plywood to hold it tight in place until the glue set. I'm only starting my set, but was eager to run a few trains ,just to check it out, even without any scenery in place it's already very quiet.
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I was worried about how it would work in the turns but as long as you use the track to help hold it down, it worked perfectly. It completely skipped having to trace the track, pull up the track, and lay the Trackbed down in 2 pieces, and then re - lay the track again. I simply laid the Trackbed right under the track and tacked everything in place working in small sections. Just work 1 nail hole at a time to make sure your track is connected right and the Trackbed is centered under the track. I think this product works much easier than cork, and it eliminates several steps. So as long as you are using balast on all of the track, there is no apparent difference in the end product. Even if you aren't using ballast, it doesn't look bad with just the trackbed. The only problem with that is the railroad ties blend too much with the trackbed and you don't get the contrasting colors. I'm very satisfied with the product and am glad I used it.Read full review
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This product was easy to lay on foam. It also works well as multiple tracks side by side. I would recommend this for bench layouts or small yards. Locomotives wheel noise is minimal and metal car wheels.
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The Woodland Scenics foam track-bed stays down well with their ST1477 Foam Glue. (I found that the regular white glue required tacks to keep the foam down.) I cut along the partially-cut center-line of the foam for the curves, and laid it with no wrinkles or bumps. I only wish that they offered the foam in a tan color to match the older cork-board on my layout.
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There was one issue with product, Its a old version.. Tried buying more at a local hobbie store and New Version is Made Different
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Much easier to use than cork. Just pin it in place, double check correctness of curves, etc... then I just foam tack it down with woodland scenic foam glue. works great and seldom needs special cutting. some curves may require some angle cuts, but this makes roadbed a no brainer.
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First time using this I was skeptical. But I managed it and it works great. Easy to cut and bend. Recommend
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All I had to use was wood glue on a small 4" wide roller and a tray and I rolled the back of this foam road bed and it would stick great! On curves you might have to use small track nails to help hold it in place. But it looks very nice when you are all finished.
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Good quality. Easy to use. Good sound control.
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