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![Tales from the Crypt: The Complete Series [20 Discs]: Used - Picture 1 of 1](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/pQQAAOSwbrVjbN-t/s-l500.jpg)
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![Tales from the Crypt: The Complete Series [20 Discs]: Used - Picture 1 of 1](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/pQQAAOSwbrVjbN-t/s-l500.jpg)
Missed these episodes back in the 90's while in university. Lots of well known actors in early roles (like Brad Pitt & Demi Moore) as well as established actors at the time (Joe Pesci, Blythe Danner, David Warner). I get a kick out of the crypt-keeper's cheesy puns. Not for kids (aired on HBO, so there is cussing and nudity) takes me back to 90's Hollywood (many episodes are set in LA), before the internet when entertainment could still be edgy without being over the top and you had to wait for episodes to air (not "on demand") ... just the opinion of a cynical gen-xer.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
i really liked the series back in the day. I have found that I like it more now. There were so many different actors/actresses that had parts in it that i recognize now. Back then they were not as well known yet. I love the plot twists.. I remember coming across the comics when I was a kid. The packaging is great. Each season has 3 discs. There are some very entertaining extras on some of the discs. Interviews, the making of, about the comic books and the controversy around them. Well worth the money, highly recommended.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
My daughter and I used to watch TALES FROM THE CRYPT all the time. She always loved it. I thought it’d be a good thing to get her the entire series on DVD. Let her relive her childhood a little bit, know what I mean? This 20 disc box set was the perfect gift. And you know what? I think I’ll get one for myself!!
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
You are buying the authentic complete series. This is true to the airing on HBO. Same music, characters, dialogue, all the scenes, and presentation. Great value on eBay. A can’t miss for Tales from the Crypt fans. This is a series that can’t be found on any of the streaming services without a hefty per season price. Buying the complete series on eBay is the way to go.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Always loved everything Tales from the crypt. Tv show, movies, and the comics. So glad to finally own all the episodes. Great set. Just make sure you rearrange the episode cards that come inside the dvds. They are all in the wrong cases. Thought I was missing a disc on season 1 until I realized the cards were wrong.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Came new as promised. I've only gotten to season 3 but I was so young when I used to watch these I didn't realize how many well known actors and actresses were in this show. Most episodes are engaging. The crypt keeper is the best part in my opinion.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Loved this series when I was in middle school-high school. Never realized the names behind the series until now. Spielberg had Amazing Stories and Zemeckis had Tales from the crypt. I’m through the first 2 seasons and each episode have been great. It’s a plus that it’s not near $200 as it was when the set was first released.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Great scary anthology of stories made for TV and hosted by the Crypt Keeper. Many well known actors and chilling storylines make great horror viewing.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Best price I found... happy with my purchase. The only weird thing was that the inserts for each season describing the discs were in the wrong cases, not a huge deal. Easily fixed just weird since it was sealed and bought new
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
The box set is fantastic each season has its own special features and fantastic artwork. I've been a big fan of the show since I was a kid. It's great to have the whole collection in one place.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
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