Nice Game!!! You need a long time to get through the dynasty mode, so if you have a free day this might be the game to play. I also like the mscot mode the game has!!! GO BUCKEYES!!!!
I bought this game for my 12 year old son who lives, sleeps and eats football. It was one he didn't have and he found it browsing eBay. The game has played great, no scratches or problems. Not much to dislike. The price was great for a 12 year old's budget.
I bought this game for a quick use but was I wrong. This game is so addicting. There are so many new features and you can never get bored. I bought this game for $5 and it should be priced at $50 I mean it is amazing, I really love this game. A+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
THIS IS FOR MY NEPHEW. WANTS NCAA SERIES. THANK YOU!! ITS FOR XMAS. HES GOING TO LOVE IT.i dont know what else to say about it. i like it, my nephew will love it.
Overall I like this game. The things I don't like: The line doesn't block long enough time to finish your play. The receivers don't catch the ball much. It's too hard to tackle a player. What I like. Good graphics, nice selection of teams.
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