If you are a hard core Sprongsteen fan you probably have most or all of these songs. But if you are like many of us part of your collection is on vinyl, if you want a CD to listen to in the car or the like, this is a good choice. Though there are many great album cuts and lesser hits that might deserve a place in a larger collection. For the casual fan or anyone wanting to know why he is considered to be among the greatest of his generation, this is a great starting point. After hearing this new fans will want to explore more deeply. There are many good places to start building a collection, given the broad scope and duration of Springsteen's career. This CD can give the new fan an idea of which phase of his career to explore next. Rest assured there are no wrong turns when exploring Springsteen's extensive musical catalogue.Read full review
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The Sony minidisc version of Bruce Springsteen's Greatest Hits is an A+. Contains the same songs as the CD. The digital transfer is flawless to my ears. Of course the real beauty is the fact that the music is on a minidisc. As only a few thousand were ever produced, minidiscs have become more and more rare. Besides the collectibility of minidiscs, the format is superior to the common CD in many ways: 1. Size - the minidisc is is about the size of a large pack of matches. 2. Protective Case - The disc is protected in a protective case, much like the old floppy disc or a zip disc, preventing scratches to the disc surface. 3. Portability - Because of the small size and protective disc case, the minidisc can take a beating. You can toss them in your car, purse, bag, carry on, etc.. with out the larger disc case w/insert cover and your disc will be fine. It's too bad that the minidisc never caught on in the US as it did in Japan. The minidisc is still alive with the Hi-MD format (that is backwards compatible with regular MD and MDLP) with 1 GB of data and music storage but pre-recorded discs have now been discontinued in the US.Read full review
I am a hardcore fan. I have this album but it is scratched. The quality of this one is fine. I love Bruce and am in the process of buying all of his music. Over the years I have had cassett tapes, so its time to have all the CDs. I continue to EBay for all this. Its a good thing to have.
love it thanks
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
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