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I bought a new, unused, still in box Catwoman and as soon as I got her out of the box, her right leg fell off. I thought maybe it was some strange addition that allows you to remove her calves, but no, it was just broken. I am not sure if anyone else has had this problem but the manufacturers need to fix this if it is an issue.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Always loved Catwomen,this is a cool piece to add to my collection.
Verified purchase: Yes
A beautifully painted and sculpted Catwoman statue! one of the best on the market. Be careful putting her on the base, takes a little patience and be gentle.
Verified purchase: Yes
bought as birthday gift very well received
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
It's super nice! Would buy another!
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I'm a huge Catwoman fan so I needed to add this to my collection, it's a really nice size and everything is great as it is, I would just really change her pose or mainly the position of her head, she's a bit hard to display because of the way her head is looking, you kind of have to display her backwards and at an angle. I dunno it's s nice statue but not a must buy
Verified purchase: Yes
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