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I love this game. I first borrowed it from a friend since I had never played a zelda game before (I also had no games for my switch at the time). I was blown away at the graphics alone. I was compelled to tell my friend how amazing it looked (even though he already knew). The gameplay is amazing, and the controls- while being a little odd at first- actually turned out to be very simple. The motion controls to help aim your bow really made the game feel more real. It's also a puzzle game, and while the starting puzzles are relatively easy, some can get very difficult if you don't know what to do. The enemies gradually get more difficult as you keep exploring, forcing you to seek out as many temples as possible to get more spirit orbs, which you can trade for more stamina or health. The story is by far one of the most compelling pieces of art in this game though. Basically, Link wakes up from the resurrection chamber one hundred years after his failed attempt at beating Ganon. And you have to go destroy it. Simple enough, but the characters you meet along the way and twists that happen seemingly at random drive this story above and beyond. I won't spoil anything, but you should just buy the game. It really is amazing if you love action adventure games, story driven games, and/or RPGs.Read full review
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
Breath of the Wild is a huge success as a Zelda game and as an open world game. Nintendo has created the perfect mix of classic Zelda gameplay and story, and the best ideas from modern open world games. Many elements are added, changed or removed making this a very unique entry in a series I thought was getting played out. BOTW will appeal to almost any player because of the huge amount of content that can be freely played in any order. Almost the entire game is optional, so you can skip anything you find frustrating or come back later - no more getting stuck on weird, inscrutable dungeon puzzles! The story, characters and side quests are all excellent and will be engaging for new or seasoned Zelda fans. I was quite impressed with the NPC dialogue and facial animations, which create diverse and entertaining characters throughout the game world. Voice acted cutscenes are included for the first time; I found the voices cheesy and jarring after 20 years of text-only dialogue. This doesn't detract from the game in a major way but it's the one complaint I have. Overall this is one of the best Zelda games, and best open world games, ever produced. You owe it to yourself to play BOTW if you're even mildly interested in these types of games!Read full review
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Nintendo has done it again. This game does an excellent job strategically using the gyro sensors for select tasks. It's not too little or too much integration. I have been enjoying nearly everything about this game. Creative creatures and puzzles with varying levels of difficulty. The open-world environment is excellent. The game also brings some feelings of nostalgia from the classic Zelda series. I'm about 15 hours in and it feels like there's a long way to go. You are unlikely to be disappointed with this game.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
I have been a fan of zelda games since I was a kid. Unforntunately, the last few Wii titles in the series left me cold. However, this game has more than made up for those shortcomings This game is as big a step forward for the Zelda series as the jump from 2d to 3d with its open design, seemless open world with little load screens and inclusion of rock climbing (giving the series a new degree of verticality) The game is by no means perfect; in fact, I would say that every aspect of the narrative (from the dungeons to the overall story) is by far the weakest part of the game Also, when playing on the Nintendo Switch, some areas with a lot going on graphically can have a slow down in frame rate (like the Hyrule Forest Area) But those flaws pale in comparison to the quality of gameplay on display here. I could go on for hours - about the armor system or the challenging combat - but, much like my time with the game, I encourage you to experience it for yourself. The saddest part of this is game is that its gigantic world does not fit into a work schedule as easy as mario odyssey or smash bros The only reason I got to play this game was due to the COVID 19 pandemic reducing my work load and postponing any other major game releases. I'll just end my review by saying this: find a way to fit this game into your life, this is not a game you can miss out on!Read full review
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
This is a great game for switch owners! It is fun and it's open world environment is massive. It's honestly the best open world game I've played in a while and the best I've played on a Nintendo console. There's just so much to see and explore. Playing through the game, I noticed to always run into something new each time, whether it be a new mission, a new enemy type, a new shrine puzzle, a new character, a new village, or even a new mechanic to the game I wasn't aware of. This game is brimming with fun and diacovery.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
This is a great game, the graphics are amazing. For the first time in a Legend of Zelda it speaks the dialogue of the characters instead of a box that you have to read. Legend of Zelda games are known to be challenging and this one keeps to that theme. It can be challenging but my son has gotten pretty far into it. I would highly recommend this game to anyone another really good game for the Switch is Mario Odyssey so I would recommend that game also. 👍
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
I love the story of the game. Some of the monsters can be a bit harsh to Link and love to gung up on you but with the right weapons you can defeated them as well as the next player can. I have been killed a few times but I have fun killing the monsters and using the Master Sword to it full power. Thanks Nintendo for a good story and great graphics designed. As well with the right difficulty level.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
This has to be one the best games overall that I've played recently! I would buy the Switch to play just this one game! Best Zelda I've played. First one I've beaten! A masterpiece! I was skeptical at first, hearing about all the great reviews and such... I was about 4 years late to finally give it a try, and I'm impressed. Nintendo knows how to make a great game!!!
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
This game is sooo addicting. Its very very very hard and complicated. The shrines I usually have to get on YouTube to see exactly what to do. But the game is addicting. The map is humungous. I was shocked how big it was. I have roughly 50 hrs in game and still haven't been through whole map yet. You climb towers to revel areas of map. The enemies seem over powered. But once you beat shrines and unlock more stamina and hearts. It helps. But this game is so addicting. Glad I purchased
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
This is a really fun and engaging open world game! It has nice graphics and I found myself getting lost in the sheer beauty of Hyrule. I enjoyed the combat, but I didn't really like how quickly weapons and shields would break, though. It would've been nice to be able to repair weapons like in Skyrim. I also miss traditional dungeons, too. However, these are honestly nitpicks that shouldn't take away from such a good game.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
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