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I bought this power supply along with a set of power jacks for testing electronics like toys, radios, routers, and possibly the odd laptop. Its rated output is ample for this purpose and the controls are intuitive and precise. The indicated voltage and current seem to be within the margin of error of my cheapo multimeter. It runs cool due to the fan which varies based on the load. When running, the fan is relatively quiet and has a hushed sound due to being muffled inside the unit. It's light (about 4 lbs), but feels well-built due to the metal case and sturdy knobs. I tested it on a few electronics I had laying around and they all worked fine, as expected. Overall, I'm very satisfied with this unit.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
My first bench power supply. Overall happy with purchase. Read reviews to disassemble and verify connections and solder joints. Everything on my unit checked out fine, just the top carrying handle was loose. Tested accuracy and range with a decent (Extech) digital multi-meter. Full range was observed and off by 0.1A and 0.1V which were easily calibrated on the front panel. Accuracy does vary from one end of the range to the other, but within 0.1 and can be calibrated to within ~0.05 V or A within a for specific narrow range if ever required (I doubt I'd every need to). Moderate to good quality in general. Paint on the case is of poor quality (uneven, flakes easily and chipped around screw heads). Test leads are of low quality, but work fine. Excellent value and definitely suits my needs for occasional useRead full review
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
This instrument is pretty versatile. My specific need is to power a small microscope lamp. It is imperative for me to not exceed 2.5 amps which would blow out the bulb. This device allows effective control. This device is compact and easy to use.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Sure, it's lightweight, switching power supply instead of of the "heavies" which use a heavy and stable step-down transformer. Switch supplies have got a bad name over the years, primarily because of the RF hash they are prone to produce on nearby AM/SSB receivers. But, this unit produces no HF interference. Indeed, I have several other switching supplies which do not either --- not a bit. On the other hand, I have had switching supplies that I needed to toss away, or not use anywhere my ham shack equipment. Switching supplies seem to have improved over recent years, proving that the inherent RF noise they produce can be suppressed. I do have a heavy, DC-transformer 40-amp supply, and this switching supply makes no more noise than the "big boy." There is also almost no AC riffle leak-thru; another bane of some switching supplies. This supply will give you want you want in a bench supply. For those hobbyists and folks who need a variable output power supply - and who doesn't for testing and equipment operation, this will fill the bill. Like most switchers, it's small and light, taking up little bench space, and provides the wide range of DC voltages advertised. The digital readouts are a plus, and tested against a calibrated VTVM, are accurate to within one-tenth of a volt or ampere. Of course I would always rather have a conventional DC-transformed, rectified and filtered supply, but had all switchers performed as well as this one did, I might not feel that way. :)Read full review
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I now have 4 of this power supplies. It is a real "work horse" for all kinds of applications like driving LED lights, small motors and general electrical circuits. It is working flawlessly despite some abuse from my side. The unit is also low weight (transformerless) and does not overheat like many other low cost supplies. It is my goto power supply for applications below 30V DC and current less than 5 A.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I have been building models for over 50 years in the last couple years I just got into putting LEDs and fiber optics in my models and this DC power supply is absolutely the perfect ticket to help building those models when you want to light them up and bring them to life it takes all the guesswork out of what you're doing , so if you're planning on building anything like the Enterprise models or even the Jupiter 2 with all of the LED lights and circuit boards along with fiber optics this is exactly what you want it's perfect and especially for the price cannot go wrong so I highly recommend this adjustable power supply for anyone who wants to take their modeling to that next level
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Works great on the audio amp project I needed it for. No problems. It's versatile and would recommend it to anyone for the price. The only con I see is that in reading the instructions, it seems to not very tolerant to abuse. Follow instructions on how to use it.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
The price is good but the output is noisy. I had to use additional filtration on the output to get the AC noise below 100mv. You get the DC output current and voltage but it's best used for driving solenoids and motors.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Board looks very clean with good soldering joints and wiring. Voltage output is wrong by 0.2v which is nothing really but i like it to be exact. That can be adjusted at the front thru small holes. Knobs have mold residue i needed to trim with a razor to make them turn smooth. otherwise all good. Dont know how long it will last. ONE WEEK lol
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
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