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Microsoft has hit a home run. This is the perfect device for someone who wants a tablet, but also wants a REAL laptop with a REAL keyboard. I came from a Macbook Pro (2012) and the screen on the Surface Book is jaw dropping. The Surface Pen is very convenient and Windows 10 runs exceedingly well! That doesn't seem to have been the case for the device when it first came out, but now it runs better than any Windows device I've ever used, and it feels as quick and as bug free as any Mac I've ever used; i.e., I have yet to discover any glitches or bugs, which is unbelievable. Windows Hello lets you sign in with your face and face detection--and no, it doesn't work with a picture of you. It uses some great technology to measure contours of the face and boy is it ever fast! I wear glasses and it works. I've tried spoofing it with photos and it does not work. I'm spoiled by it! The Surface Pen is useful, but I wouldn't say that it's as accurate as, say, my Galaxy Note5. It works for annotation, but something about the precision is lacking, so I wouldn't say that this is the device for an artist who wants to draw. For someone who wants to annotate PDFs or other documents, it is perfectly fine, and the Windows 10 Creator's Update brings some handy features and interactivity that make the Surface Pen a must-have. As for bad news, the battery life isn't the best. It is by no means bad, but the Surface Book is not something you take to work or to school without the charger. It gets a few hours of use, but then needs to be plugged in. The good news is that it charges fairly quickly! I haven't felt let down by the battery or charging speed. The other good news is that there are various power saving modes that I'm sure can extend battery life significantly. I haven't tried them but they are there. The Surface Book is bulky. I won't say heavy, but it is is a substantial piece of well-built machinery. That said, UAG makes a case that is worth every cent. It's a must have. It also fits when turning the screen around and placing the device in tablet mode, which I can't get enough of. It makes hand-writing notes a breeze. It's hard to get all of the features of this device into a review without being too wordy, but I am in love with the Surface Book. It's 100% worth it.Read full review
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
Fast login, awesome screen and long lasting battery. The one I have has dedicated Nvidia gpu. I like that it's just heavy enough for you to know that it isn't cheap.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
This computer is awesome, it’s just what I wanted, Usps to longer than expected to deliver it but the seller was very awesome and responsive
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
For a used SurfaceBook, this was a fantastic deal and it works well for what I need it for.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
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