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The product was shipped and arrived quickly. It's very expensive, but glad we have it for covid control/protection. It's easy to use. A quick spray in each nostril after a possible exposure while shopping, or after an indoor event, etc. It's not a cure, but it helps to reduce viral load in the nasal passages where the covid virus replicates. The expiration date is a full year out.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Because of the medication (IV infusions) I undergo every 3 months I have ZERO antibodies and must be extreme cautious and vigilant when I’m out and have personal contact with others. I can honestly say this spray is a game changer for me! I under stand that even if Covid completely disappeared tomorrow, there are still airborne germs that could hoositaIize me and/or kill me, but when I do have close personal contact this spray added a level of extra security I truly needed. Yes I mask and follow all aseptic technics, but this spray has afforded me the chance to have much more freedom in my life since it provides me with an additional layer of protection not only from Covid, buy also protection from many other airborne illnesses. Yes, it expensive but, it’s much cheaper than a week in the hospital. I’d much rather have this “second layer” of protection from all viruses.Read full review
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I purchased enovId for a up coming trip to Vegas. I started using Enovid 1 week before the trip to Vegas. The friend I roomed with was not feeling so good when he got home and tested positive for covid the next day and he was fully vaccinated. I’m unvaccinated and I did 2 pumps in each nostril 5-6 times a day every day and still doing it. 1 week later I have no symptoms and feel fine. I highly recommend this product.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Its a cutting edge product. Hopefully the price will come down. The good I haven't had a cold. It supposedly protect against all viruses not just COVID. The flu and colds could be out of my life. The bad is it dribbles out of your nose and you have to lie down for at least a minute after you spray so that you don't lose most of it.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Arrived quickly in the mail with a certified statement on the envelope that the contents meet all applicable laws so the FDA didn't confiscate it at customs like they do with other covid therapeutics. We would have avoided the pandemic if corrupt politicians hadn't blocked this product. I travel frequently and use it before I get on the plane. Buy it.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
This product seems to work. It has kept us safe on a cruise vacation, and continues to keep us safe every time we eat in a restaurant indoors. Enovid, along with up-to-date vaccination, has offered great protection against Covid when in a situation where it may be present.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I was expecting more of a mist. It is easy to use and can be carried anywhere. It is a layer of protection that works.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
This was purchased at the recommendation of our physician as my wife, and I have collateral damage from Covid. Just another drug/treatment not readily available in arguably the richest country in the world. Our doctor had us buy this to have on hand within the next few months.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I consistently used this product on a recent 5 day cruise. Others in my group contracted Covid, and I believe that by using this product I remained Covid free. I highly recommend this product.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I’m a flight attendant and my wife is immunocompromised, so it’s important for us to be careful. I use Sanotize whenever I fly out when I’m around crowds and neither of us has gotten sick yet. Hopeful that this product is approved in the US soon!
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
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