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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was an OK game for the N64. I didn't really enjoy it too much and I didn't believe it deserved all the praise it got but it was a revolutionary title in the Zelda franchise. However, the Nintendo 3DS remake is a way better experience. The new visuals, gyroscope aiming, and inventory management really make this remake a whole lot better than the original. It sounds good, the controls are good, and the classic music throughout the game really sell it. The game also comes with the more challenging Master Quest, a version of the game that is mirrored, has different dungeon layout, and you take more damage. Master Quest takes a game that is mediocre in difficulty to 11. Even though it has all this good stuff there are a few gripes I still have and some new ones too. The horse race for Epona is still very challenging. If you just touch Ingo's horse, you slow down and it doesn't help that Ingo has infinite spurs. The other thing is how the inventory is handled. The actual inventory is good but I keep wanting to press START to go into it when you have to press a tab on the touch screen. My final complaint I will list is that the map is on the top screen on the corner when it can be on the bottom screen and be bigger and show more detail than the world map that is on the bottom screen. All in all if your a returning fan of Ocarina of Time or a new comer to the 3D Zelda scene or new to Zelda in general, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D is worth it.Read full review
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
I have always been a fan of this Zelda installment. The graphics are better than the N64 version, since the 3DS has better operating system. The game designers have done a great job of using the duel screens to keep the action up top, and your items, lifemeter, money, and maps on the bottom screen. I'm a little torn about the 3D part. When using 3D, things look amazing. You will need to adjust the intensity to your comfort, and you do need to keep your face and the screen still. The problem comes when aiming your shooting weapons (slingshot, hookshot, and bow... that stuff). To adjust your aim you can tilt the 3DS unit to make the screen move (almost like turning your head to look out a window). Tilting the screen will cause the 3D screen to give a bad double image. So... you can aim old-school with the stick, or you need to turn off the 3D and tilt the unit. The tilt feature is awesome in 2D mode. Much faster and accurate the using the joystick. That is my only bad comment about the game. A bonus for game is having the Master Quest built in. Beat the original game, and unlock the Master Quest. In MQ the world has been mirrored (everything is opposite). Link is even right handed. The dungens are a lot harder, and you take damage a lot faster (always have a spare fairy in a bottle). Over all I'd highly recommend this game. If I could give 4 and a half stars I would. Enjoy!Read full review
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
This was arguably the best game for the Nintendo 64 back in the day and it shows. This version is for the 3DS and 16 years after the original was released, it still holds up! The graphics have ben upgraded from the N64 version so it doesn't look so dated, but the gameplay is as I remembered it from my youth. The story takes place in the legendary land of Hyrule, you are Link - The Hero of Time... and the evil Ganondorf has captured the Triforce of Power. It is up to you to defeat the evil beast, reclaim the Triforce of Power and restore order to Hyrule once again! If you like Zelda or are just looking for a solid title for your 3DS, you cant go wrong with Ocarina of Time, there are plenty of Zelda titles but this one stands out as one of the best!
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
This is one of my favorite zelda games. The good is this game is very fun and i like some of the items. Good:Amazing gameplay,fun items,sidequest with great rewards,cool story,nice features and very amazing music.Bad:masterquest mode,tedious level design and Impossible to complete sidequest. Other than that I like ths version of ocarina of time better than the n64 version and i think it's an amazing remake.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
Have... Have you really not heard of this, or played this game? It was the first game I remember playing as a child on Nintendo 64. This is my favorite game of all time. While part of that is nostalgia driven, this game is generally a great game! Great story, great game play, has a good, but fair challenge (it's super easy after you've beaten the game 50+ times). Truly, this is a great game for children. The main character is a child, which helps children identify with it, and you can name the character whatever you like. I'm rambling a little with no real direction here. This is a great game, whether it's someones first game, or just their first Zelda game, this is not only a great introduction to the series, but it's just a great game to play first. I'm stunned that you are reading my crappy review instead of one of the million of other reviews on this game. You can't go wrong. Many of the issues from the N64 version have been fixed, graphics look nice, and playing in 3D is pretty awesome. Seriously, have you really not played this game? LolRead full review
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I loved the original game for N64. It was a favorite back then. I really like the 3DS port of the game. The colors are more vivid. The 3D feature breathes some new life into the game. Another feature that I really like, they use the bottom screen for inventory. No need to leave the gameplay to equip items.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
This is almost exactly the same game as the Nintendo 64 version. The only difference in the picture is Link, who looks a little bit different. The buttons appear below in the bottom screen. I always loved the Zelda Ocarina of Time Nintendo 64 game, and I think this will be just like it.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
This game was one of the game that made me start playing video games almost 20 years ago. Even in 2019 I find this game very innovative. The puzzles are not too hard yet very fun. The characters, the story, and oh... THE MUSIC in this game are simply amazing. My playthrought the 3ds version was probably my 10th save file on Zelda ocarina of time. LOVE this game and the whole zelda franchise.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
Excellent gameplay, excellent story, and innovative use of the Nintendo 3DS's capabilities, this was an excellent purchase that I would not hesitate to purchase again. Glad I remembered eBay for the purchase because every store in my area no longer carried it.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Great deal for a classic, revamped game. Storyline is just as compelling if not moreso because of it being at the tips of your fingers at all times rather than stuck to a tv screen. If you loved the n64 Classic, then this is a definite no brainer.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
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