Computer Components & Parts

Computer Components & Parts

A laptop computer is only as good as its components and parts. When these elements have outlived their usefulness, it's time to replace and renew with laptop replacement parts. On most notebooks, every part is upgradeable including the keyboard, screen, and inside components. Technology changes dramatically from one year to the next, which is why being able to upgrade to keep up with these changes is essential and being able to do it yourself is priceless.

Graphic and Video Cards

For the average computer user, the graphic and video card is not that important, but for the gamer, it's one of the most important features. In fact, it is the component that sets the scene for a gaming experience to be envied by others. Several things to consider when looking for a new graphic card are GPU, memory and clock speed, and programming interfaces. Users should also ensure the card is expandable to meet your future needs.


Another important part of the computer is the motherboard. Although often overlooked, its job is massive. It determines the bus speed, the amount of memory, how many expansion cards allowed, and the types of processors compatible with the system. When looking for a motherboard consider the processor socket, form factor, front-side bus speed, and RAM socket.


The Central Process Unit (CPU) is considered the brain of the computer. Its job is to interpret data and write the data for display or storage. For users who plan to multitask, edit video or audio, watch movies, or play computer games, a fast, multi-core processor is a must. The computer needs to keep up with your demands, which means it has to deliver what you need when you need it.


Is more always better? When it comes to laptop memory, more is always better. One way to figure out how much memory you want is to check out the minimum and maximum requirement of the application and the OS you plan to use. For example, if the least memory you need 4GB and the highest is 8GB, it's recommended you go with or greater than 8GB.