Artists' Watercolor Paint

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Create Art With Watercolor Paints

Watercolor painting offers a chance to explore how colors blend on canvas and how saturation affects the mood of the painting. In addition to providing you with a relaxing way to explore your creativity, artists' watercolor paints make it possible to create cards, wall hangings, and murals to enjoy or share with others. Getting started with watercolor painting will go smoothly when you have the right supplies and project plans in mind.

What comes in a compact set of watercolor paints?

Watercolor painting only requires a few supplies to get started. In addition to a rainbow of watercolor paint pods, look for a set that includes:

  • Brushes: You should have a flat brush, a rounded brush, and a pointed brush when learning to paint with watercolors.
  • Paper: Watercolor papers are specially designed to hold a lot of water without wrinkling. Look for 140-pound weight or higher.
  • Palette: Made of plastic, it provides concave areas for mixing colors.
  • Color wheel: This shows each color of the rainbow, saturation levels, and complementary groupings.
Simple watercolor techniques for beginners

If you've tried other types of painting in the past, using watercolors is different. Practicing different techniques will help you gain control over your watercolor paints. There are two techniques to get comfortable with your watercolor palette, brushes, and mixing set. The wet-on-wet technique involves first using the watercolor brushes to wet the paper and then using the moistened watercolor paint to apply color. This technique is ideal for painting landscapes. For the wet-on-dry technique, moisten the watercolor paint, and apply it to dry paper. This technique provides more control, allowing you to create precise shapes.

How do you make a gradient with watercolor paints?

Watercolor paints allow for smooth transitions, creating vivid gradients. Choose two colors located close to each other on the color wheel. On your watercolor palette, mix an equal amount of paint and water. Do this for both colors, next to each other. Dip a clean brush into one color, and apply it to the canvas. Clean the brush. Lightly touch the brush into the other color. Mix it into the first color, and apply it to the canvas adjacent to the first color. Continue adding a bit more of the second color. By the time you get to the other side of the canvas, you should be using only the second paint color. Consider changing the water regularly in order to avoid murkiness on your watercolor brush.

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