Home Pubs & Bars

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Home Pubs and Bars for the Man Cave

After a hard day at work, nothing beats lounging on the sofa with a bottle of your favorite beverage straight from the fridge of your home bar. While you can throw together a hodgepodge of furniture and other fixtures like cabinets, storage receptacles, and other wood pieces, there are some key points to be consider to create a great bar you can proudly call your own.

What Is a Home Bar?

  • Watering Hole: Having a pub right in your kitchen, living room, or rec room is a good way to socialize with roommates and family. In a household of adults, sharing drinks and refreshments can be a great way to wrap up a long day at work.
  • Hosting Tool: Have bar cabinets, glasses, and a few bottles of wine handy when you are expecting visitors. Its a great way to entertain guests while waiting for that pot roast to finish cooking or to wrap up a night of revelry.

What Makes a Proper Home Bar or Pub?

  • Good Stock: A wall with bar cabinets well-stocked with staple beverages you love is a good way to introduce your friends to new tastes and flavors. The sight of an assortment of drinks, glasses, and wine will help guests feel right at home knowing that they have a good array of refreshments to sample.
  • Cohesive Theme: A bar must have a cohesive theme so that it looks good from a design perspective and expresses your interests well. A rustic-themed bar might have barn lights, faded pastel-colored signs, and even a wooden chicken statue. A modern bar could feature smooth bar tops, contemporary furniture, home bar equipment, and a cart.
  • Personalization: Make your bar truly your own by personalizing wood furniture or bar kegs with your initials. Another good way is to hang framed pictures of you and your buddies hanging out at that very bar.

How Can I Make my Bar Even Better?

  • LED Accent Lighting: Bar cabinets require a lot of lighting to get that comfy vibe. Furniture with horizontal space would benefit from additional mood lighting underneath.
  • Speaker System: A home bar is nothing without some great tunes. Place cabinet speakers among the bottles lined up in your bar cabinet. You can choose from wired versions to Bluetooth enabled speakers for less hassle.
  • Kegs and Taps: Another type of furniture to give off a cozy and cohesive home bar is the large keg. It takes the place of common bar furniture like tables and chairs for a carefree, no-nonsense feel.

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