Dart Equipment


Dart games are popular and easy to learn. You can play at the hobbyist or professional level. All it takes is a little equipment and some practice to become a very skilled player.

What are the parts of a dart?

  • Point: The long, sharp tip at the end of the dart - It will be either steel tip or soft tip.
  • Barrel: The metal area you hold when you throw - This area is essentially cylindrical, but there are slightly different shapes available. Tungsten and brass darts are the most commonly made.
  • Shaft: The area between the barrel and the flight
  • Flight: The feathers on the end of the dart, which come in many different sizes and styles

What are steel tip darts and soft tip darts?

Steel tip darts have points made of steel. They are used with standard dartboards and are made of steel to allow them to penetrate the bristle surface of the dartboard. Some steel tip darts are also slightly retractable. This allows them to give a bit on impact, making them less likely to bounce off the dartboard.

Soft tip darts have points made of plastic and are only used with electronic dartboards. These darts have a bit of flexibility, which helps them find their way into the molded pits on the electric dartboard so that they can be accurately scored. Soft tip darts cannot be used with a traditional dartboard.

What equipment do you need to play darts?

The game requires at least three darts, a dartboard mounted on a wall or stand, and about 8 feet of floor space between you and the board. A score sheet is also handy, but any piece of paper can be used as well.

What should you consider when buying darts?

  • Weight: Standard darts weigh 12 to 50 grams. The lighter it is, the harder you have to throw it. Some are weighted more toward the front, some more toward the back.
  • Barrel grip: There are many different styles of barrels. Some are very smooth while others are knurled. The style you choose is based entirely on personal preference.
  • Flights: Flights come in many styles. Some are smooth while some are dimpled. Generally, larger, dimpled flights are slower but more stable. Smaller, smooth flights are faster but may wobble a bit more.
  • Shafts: Shafts are made of metal, plastic or nylon. Some are stationary and some spin.

How do you throw darts?

  • Grip the barrel firmly but easily with at least 3 fingers.
  • Keep the point aimed upward.
  • Stand with your right foot forward, with the dart in line between your eye and the dartboard.
  • Stay balanced with both feet on the floor, behind the throw line, throughout the toss.
  • Only your arm should move when you throw. Make a point of throwing in a smooth, level motion that is very much like how you would toss a paper airplane.