Skin Masks

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How to Practice Self Care With Skin Masks & Peels

Skin masks and peels are an excellent addition to your self-care routine. The right skin mask or peel is designed to fit your specific skin type and will improve the overall health of your skin. Most skin masks and peels are easy to order online, making it possible to treat your skin at home.

Why should you use a skin mask?

If you've never used a moisturizing mask or exfoliating mask before, you should consider making it part of your routine. A face mask acts as a vehicle to help the body absorb important ingredients like Vitamin C, an antioxidant that will firm the skin and increase collagen production. Other elements like peptides stimulate hyaluronic acid production that will even the skin tone.

Consider the following reasons to use skin masks:

  • Unclog your pores - Skin masks are designed to sop up excess oils and remove dirt. Likewise, these masks can remove any built-up dead skin cells, leaving fresh skin behind.
  • Get glowing skin - Masks are designed to stimulate blood circulation in the skin. As the mask dries on the skin and hardens, it causes blood vessels to expand, resulting in an improved skin tone and glowing skin.
  • Take time to relax - In addition to improving the quality of your skin, skin masks can be therapeutic. As most are infused with essential oils, they stimulate the senses and create a very calming experience.
Why should you use a skin peel?

Skin peels are another product that can improve your skin's appearance. These peels contain chemicals that help to smooth out your skin by creating blisters that then peel off. These skin peels can be used on the hands, neck, or face.

As most skin peels contain chemicals, they may not be right for everyone. Research shows that individuals with light hair and fair skin will have better results using skin peels. Moreover, severe wrinkles, bulges, and sagging skin won't respond well to this treatment.

Most people use skin peels for the following reasons:

  • Eliminate acne - Skin peels that contain salicylic acid help to unclog pores and erode post-pimple marks.
  • Improve the skin - The acids in skin peels lift up dead cells and increase collagen production.
  • Revitalize under eye skin - Skin peels safely treat hereditary dark circles under the eyes, leaving you with younger looking skin.
How often should you use a skin mask or skin peel?

Skin masks and peels can be beneficial when used as a regular part of your skincare routine. However, they shouldn't be used every day. Experts recommend using skin masks once or twice a week. Skin peels should be used once every four to six weeks.


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