Squeezable Stress Relievers

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Choosing the Right Squeezable Stress Reliever

Squeezable stress relievers are said to help with stress and anxiety. They even improve concentration. There are numerous stress relievers on the market and choosing the right one can be difficult. This will explore some of the most common types available so that you can make an informed choice.

What types of squeezable stress relievers can you choose from?

There are many different types of stress relievers available based on your individual preferences. Some only look different while others have unique benefits. Some of the more common types include:

  • Balls: These are the most common stress relievers. They are spherical and usually fit easily in your hand.
  • Low Resistance: These stress relievers are softer and don't require as much pressure from your hand. These are good if your hands hurt when squeezing or if you prefer objects that easily squish.
  • Mesh: These have a mesh layer on the outside that helps you regulate the pressure. You can cover the mesh for more pressure or keep part of it exposed for less pressure.
  • Novelty: These come in various shapes like food, toys, animals, and almost anything else.
What factors should you consider with squeezable stress relievers?

There are several features you should consider when looking at stress relievers. Some of the most salient features include:

  • Quantity: Many stress relievers come in multipacks. Consider whether you want one or multiple stress relievers. Multipacks often come with multicolor stress relievers, but sometimes they're all the same color.
  • Size: Most stress relievers are meant to fit in your hand, so size is important especially if you have large or small hands. There are stress relievers available in multiple sizes.
  • Smell: Some relievers have a pleasant smell to aid with relaxation. You can find these products with scents like mint, lavender, and sandalwood.
  • Design: you should ideally look for a stress reliever that makes you feel relaxed. Some have motivational sayings, smiling faces, landscape designs and so on. Choose a design that speaks to you.
How do you choose a durable squeezable stress reliever?

You'll want the stress reliever to be durable since you'll be squeezing it throughout the day. The outer layer is what keeps the material safely inside. The most durable materials include rubber, Lycra, cotton, and thick plastic.

You'll also want to consider the internal material as some materials will seep through even the smallest holes. Gel-based materials and plastics tend to maintain their shape even if the cover has worn down.

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