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Surfing as a sport or recreational activity requires skill from the surfer. Before you master surfing, you must be comfortable with water sports like swimming. From professionals to enthusiasts, surfing is enjoyed by many people, and all that is required is a wave, a wetsuit, and a surfboard. Choosing the right surfboard can help you become a better surfer.

What type of surfboard is recommended for beginners?

Longer boards are preferable for learners because they paddle well, are more stable, and are more buoyant. However, a short surfboard can also save the beginner a lot of frustration when starting since catching waves and popping is a lot easier. A longer board will enable you to grasp the basics faster, start catching waves, and generally enjoy the experience as you work your way toward shorter surfboards.

How should you care for your surfboard?

Once you have a surfboard, you need to take good care of it.

  • When traveling, use a bag to protect your board. The protective bag helps guard against small- to medium-sized scratches and dings.
  • Exposing your board to heat for extended periods can ruin its appearance. Try to avoid putting your board on the roof of your car for a long time or exposing it extensively to the sun during regular storage.
  • When strapping your board to the roof of your car during travels, it's recommended that you slip it in a bag to avoid direct sunlight and at the same time position it well so that there's no length hanging over the roof. This will protect your board from flexing too much as you drive, keeping it in great shape for the waves.
What is the surfing culture around longboards and shortboards?

In the culture of surfboarding, longboards and shortboards represent the opposite ends of the spectrum. While shortboarders take a more aggressive approach and require great skill, longboarders are a more relaxed group looking to enjoy the experience rather than perform backflips. If you're a beginner, you are just starting to master the basics, so any type of board is fine. lt is practical to note that longboards are good for slow and weak waves whereas short surfboards are designed to ride fast and powerful waves.

Do you need to swim well in order to surf?

You do not have to be an expert swimmer, but comfort and skill in the water is always an asset while surfing. Average swimming knowledge is enough for you to be a competent surfer, but additional skill is always helpful. It is recommended that you enroll in swimming classes if you don't know how to swim before plunging into the more dynamic, skilled activity of surfing. You can use the buoyant board to stay afloat when you are surfing, but there are many times when you will be separated from your board. Therefore, swimming confidence and skill is important to your success as a surfer.

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