Tattoo Complete Kits

About Tattoo Kits

You love the way your tattoo gun titters and tatters while creating a new masterpiece for a client  too bad your favourite machine busted and put you temporarily out of business. Treat yourself to a new tattoo kit and get back in the saddle in no time. Find a vast variety of kits on eBay that come with everything you need to start from scratch or to bulk up your current collection. Each complete tattoo kit includes at least two tattoo guns for lining and shading, a handful of coloured ink bottles, and a series of needles so you can create different sized lines. An ink stand with small cups to hold your colours is also included. Every professional tattoo kit also includes plenty of thermal paper and rubber bands for your new machines to ensure that you can execute an entire tattoo from beginning to end right out of the box. Your new tattoo kit is sure to put you back in business and help you maintain an extraordinary leg up on the competition.