4.74.7 out of 5 stars
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Good graphics66% agree

Compelling gameplay100% agree

Good value100% agree

76 Reviews


Like So Maany

F.E.A.R. Someone must have stayed up nights coming up with the words for F.E.A.R. They would have been better served just using the word for what it is.
Now is it really frightful? Sort of. The game in it's self is very reminiscent of Condemned Criminal Origines. He treis to set the same atmosphere and in many cases works. The gameplay and plot are in the beginning someone blurred and confusing. The enemy looks just like you and it's hard to tell who the good guys are. So I just shoot everyone. Now you have to admit you've done the same thing from time to time.
I'm not crazy about the 5 CD installation, they should have used one DVD instead. I HATE having to insert a disc each time I play. That means I have to keep discs all over my desk if I want to play different games. But this is standard stuff.
To be honest I am really not a die hard gamer. I just putz at it. This game is too intence for my old brain, too much to look out for, too many things trying to do you in. All I want to do is shoot stuff.
Although I am not a true gamer I do design gaming systems and we do use many games to test our systems. The graphics on this game are pretty good and the game play is rather smooth.
It's a great shoot 'em up with a very interesting story line, but if you play pay attention there is a lot going on.
Well that's my 'opinion' of F.E.A.R. and you know what they say about opinions.
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Creepy Long Haired Children!!!

+ Creepy atmosphere with random scary occurrences to keep you on your toes!!!
+ Gorgeous visuals.
+ Awesome effects like slowing down time.

- Major online issues. Host advantage, terrible melee, weak weapons, weapon placement, weak weapons, no guest option, etc.
- Feels a lot like shooting plastic people.
- Some minor control issues. Feels a lot like 'Doom'. Camera tends to wiggle a little bit as you walk. Crappy melee needs improvement.

This game does a nice job of messing with your head. You will find yourself shooting at stuff that is not really there just like an idiot in a scary movie. But you have the power to fight back. Use your special powers to solve this mystery and find out just whose side this strange little girl is on. The biggest problem is the multiplayer. There's only online play, no co-op or splitscreen and the online suffers from the same problems as many others in its genre but at least they keep it creepy with lighting effects.

Great addition for horror fans or anyone who like 'Condemned'. A must play in the least. Remember to try before you buy. 4/5
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Prepare to Jump

I had this game recommended to me by a couple of friends that already had it, telling me that it made the hair stand up on the back of their necks. I laughed but after playing it for a just awhile, I had to admit it had the same affect on me also. Now I'm not a kid, I'm in my 50's so it was a great surprise to have a video game have that kind of affect. Kudo's to the creators of FEAR, they did a great job with it, making sure to insert alot of bumps in the night type of distractions all throughout the game. I'd give it an overall 8 out of 10 possible points. Good game to play when you're all alone. lolRead full review...


Afraid of F.E.A.R.?

You work for FEAR, a government special forces team who investigate paranormal activities. Paxton Fettal has gone crazy and he commands a battalion of armed super-soldiers telepathicly. As he leaves a trail of murders you must find and eliminate him as you are taunted by many creepy paranormal events.

The game isn't a survival horror game where there are times you are scared for you're life and demons pop out and say "boo" with a chainsaw. They are more like a Japanese horror flick. Knowing this I wasn't really scared of F.E.A.R. mainly since I knew whatever happened I wouldn't die. However about half way through the game it gets a lot more intense as everything around you seems to be going wrong. This game also has one of the best endings of modern FPS games out today.

F.E.A.R. contains a great story compared to other FPS games out there lately and really stands out. The graphics are excellent and physics are fairly well done but there aren't as many instances as in Half-Life 2 where you'll really notice all that much. The AI is also something to talk about. Your opponents seam like actual trained fighters. They jump through windows, move couches, and crawl through small spaces to try and get a better position on you. At first they may sound a little cocky, but once you kill all but one member in a squad you'll hear the panic in his voice as he calls for backup.

The game seems to be a bit of a performance hog though and I would recommend it to be played on a PCI-Express PC to experience the game at decent settings.

Overall the game nails just about every aspect of the FPS genre except it feels a little lacking in the multiplayer. Any gamer who enjoys FPS games should definitley look into this game.
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Best Freaking PC Game Out There!

I bought this game thinking that it would be an O.K. game, some scary points, some blood but NOTHING like what I actually experienced in gameplay. This game has TONS of extremely great points to it. First off... There's an expansion pack so if you beat all the levels of the original game then you can just purchase the expansion pack for $30! I personally hate first person shooters but when I played this game, I didn't even really recognize I was playing an FPS because it is so detailed in graphics and so well encorporated. I also really like that the main publisher is SIERRA because all I knew of them before this game was smaller MAC games but this one just blew me away, the one player as well as the multiplayer... The online multiplayer for this game is free and jam packed with goodies. You play on maps that either SIERRA made that come with the game or you play CUSTOM made maps that you or someone else makes! This software doesnt come with the game but you can download it for free online. I would also like to bring up the weapons. The weapons used in this game are pretty realistic... except for the penetrator and the 3 "special" weapons. You can use dual pistols, single pistol, assault rifle, combat shotgun, penetrator, asp rifle and the 3 special weapons - I'll let you find out what those are on your own :P. All-in-all this game has brought many excellent features although there are some that I would like to get rid of... PUNKBUSTER!! This online mechanism automatically boots players that don't meet the game creator's criteria and it's really annoying, you can spend 30 minutes downloading 60 maps and oops... PUNKBUSTER was on, I guess you can't play those afterall, better luck next time! Punkbuster is used by many online hosts in F.E.A.R. but some host's are better than that and they actually handpick who to kick, host a vote and a certain number of people has to vote you off. LAG isn't too big of a problem in fear. The mass multiplayer that so many fear players use is full of players that came to play and not lag, yet there are those few that still do, I love it!
All in all F.E.A.R. is an excellent game and recommended to ANYONE who loves playing games that freak you out or just love games that has blood and guns THIS is your game. A+ for F.E.A.R. & F.E.A.R. Extraction Point (expansion set)!
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FEAR ranks high in my top Ten favorite games.

I finally got my own copy of this game. I played it at RG Outpost a few years ago and I was impressed and scared at the same time. The AI is just as good or better than Half Life 2.

Half Life 2 set the pattern of excellence and playing standards for many games. FEAR follows in that tradition.

The game is the closest experience to what happens during a firefight. The terror is felt when a squad stumbles on you and hit you with everything they got. They are relentless killers and the only way out is to fight them back "tooth and nail".

I'm glad I got it at a good price. I had two copies for Xbox 360 but lost both of them. I can't use the controls for Xbox anyways since I am missing a vital body part on my right hand.

The mouse controls and keyboard work best for me.
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Nothing to fear but F.E.A.R. itself!

F.E.A.R. is a first-person shooter for the pc. In spite of the genre it comes from, F.E.A.R. includes a number of features that make it stand out. For one, the storyline is straight up supernatural science fiction and the setting is full of scares coming both in the form of the very determined A.I. and a pair of ghosts that haunts the player throughout.

Additionally, F.E.A.R. gives the player a number of melee attacks which, while limited in their usefulness are no less fun to perform. The player can aim with the weapon in order to increase accuracy, although this does take time out from the action and leaves the player open to attack.

F.E.A.R.'s game play is fast and furious, with AI opponents waiting in ambush around every corner. Radio transmissions clue the player in to when an enemy nearby, but once you're spotted it's on! Enemies will come from unexplored areas of the level and chase the player attempting to flank him. The shoot-em-up element of the gameplay does require clever play, such as the use of cover, reloading when it is appropriate and learning which weapons are the best for any given situation. This can be frustrating for casual players such as myself, but the challenge curve is navigable with some practice.

This game comes with no shortage of scares; not only is the ambient sound engaging while the player explores, but sudden explosions, rattling sounds or voices can disrupt the relaxed mindset and cause a jump out of the skin.

A great selling point for F.E.A.R. is that it is not too demanding on your hardware; I run the game with all settings cranked up to the max on my Geforce 9800 GTX card and it runs beautifully.

F.E.A.R. will take some getting used to for non-veterans of fps gameplay, but is well worth the frustration. An engaging plot, a healthy dose of supernatural horror and tons of action make the game an excellent addition to any gamer's library.
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PROS: Interesting storyline. Great Action and Weaponry. Ability to reduce the Gore factor.

Cons: Language. I am a 60 year old FPS gamer and have been around long enough to "hear it all" however the repeated use of the F-word has NO PLACE in a game. After all it is ONLY a game. Why do we have to throw in the rank language. And don't give me the excuse, "The Label Warned You." I know it warned me, however don't tell me that younger people won't have access to this game. My gripe is...."What is the purpose of the rank language?" Not only in gaming but all other media as well. It adds NO "reality" to anything. It just desensitizes us and made our environment even more polluted.

I would have given this game an excellent rating if it were not for the foul language.
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Third Party F.E.A.R. Review, with bacon.

F.E.A.R. is an excellent choice for an eleven year old kid who has bed wetting problems. Nah I'm just kidding. This game can be very creepy, and that's why I loved it. Your basicly exploring this nearly abandoned building looking for certain answers and such. And during your adventures you catch glimpses of that little girl from the cover, who reminds me of my little sister's friend which brings the creepyness factor to a whole new level. This game was an excelent first person shooter for it's time (I loved the slow motion, it made it seem I didn't suck as bad as I actualy do when it comes to this genre). It may seem kind of blocky at some points, for example: the phone cord. But come on, it's a cord and it actualy has physics applied to it. The only bad thing that I found while playing is the sound of objects falling on to hard surfaces, even if I just touched it it would loop an impact noice for a second. It can get annoying.
I would suggest this game if you enjoy being creeped out and/or like first person shooters. I bought it because I wanted to get creeped out while blowing the brains out of some dude, and I was satisfied. I hope you are too.
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Nothing to Fear but F.E.A.R.

I bought this game thanks to a killer demo I got my hands on. The demo scared teh crud out of me and I couldn't just let that go, I needed to see if the rest of the game was just as shocking.
Since you don't know me or my tastes, here is some background of my gaming in this genre...
Doom 3 - not very scary, more like a carnival ride than a trip through Hell
Halo and Halo 2 - both excellent in their own rights, re-defined the genre.
Half Life - pretty much a pile of poop. Boring, uninspired, terrible graphics and collision issues.
Serious Sam 2 - ummm, terrible game. Just terrible. Fun levels, fun weapons, but that's about it.

Okay, now for F.E.A.R.
This game is spot on in control, graphic, gameplay, sounds and pacing.
The ambient noise is well done, and with good headphones or decent speakers you will just be blown away. IF you can do surround, go for it and enjoy it.
The game is huge and does require a ton of juice to look great... I run an XPS Gen 4 topped out and it did just fine and looked smooth doing it.
The story is excellent and really makes the game. While the plot is not groundbreaking (the storyline has been done before in different ways) it is engaging and well presented throughout the game. In fact, the "delusional" scenes that tell the story to the player are some of the most fun and sweaty times I have had with a controller in my hands.
Expect to jump a few times through the gameplay as well.
What really sets this game apart is the fact that the frightening moments don't come from cheat carnival ticks (like Doom 3) but from genuinely subtle and scary moments. Again, this game feels more like the Ring than House of 1000 corpses.
I would only reccomend this game for mature gamers (ESRB rating M) and only for mature gamers who are discerning in their tastes, a Halo Fanboy won't appreciate this game to it's fullest.
The weapons.
The weapons in F.E.A.R. are outstanding and origional when they need to be. The Penetrator, a gun that shoots a 6 inch steel spike at high speed, is more fun than any weapon in any game in recent memory. The satisfaction of entering a crowded room, hitting the slo-mo and NAILING the badguys to the wall is just too much to express in words.
The guns all shoot and sound like they should in a game, as opposed to the sameness of EVERY weapon in Second Sight, Painkiller or Half-life 2 for instance.

Finally, the voice acting in the game is stellar and fluid. Sure, there are a few misses here and there, but oveall it is just fantastic. HIGH production values on this one.

F.E.A.R. has the best ending in video game history to date in my opinion. I won't spoil it here, but you should play the game and find out for yourself. It is really just a moment of sheer panic.
Buy it, play it, and enjoy it.
Just be sure you have a good anchor in reality before you get going!
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