4.84.8 out of 5 stars
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Good value94% agree

Entertaining98% agree

Engaging characters100% agree

87 Reviews


the end

A welcome change of pace for us who feel Hollywood keeps making the same picture over and over again. The first part of this film is the most unconventional but also hard to endure as only bad things seem to happen to the characters but once Act II arrives and the chase begins, grab on !. I can't remmember the last time a film had my stomach in knotts like this one.
Some people here in Mexico have complained about the film's historical accuracy since by the time the Spanish arrived in America, the Mayan civilization had already been taken over by other groups. In any case, Hollywood films are not the best way to learn about history.
When Braveheart came out over 10 years ago I remmember a friend telling me: "who would have thought Mel Gibson was a real director", 2 films later he keeps surprising me with his directing skills. It's too bad the public has let themselves be convinced by the media that he's the most evil person to ever come out of Hollywood which is absurd. I guess they feel the more they discredit him the more they discredit "The Passion of the Christ".
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A great story which shows the effects of the blood thirsty Mayan civilization on other indigenous tribes. The main character, Jaguar Paw, does whatever it takes to get back to his pregnant wife and young son. The chase for Jaguar Paw is thrilling and riveting. Rudy Youngblood does a great job in that role. In fact, I thought, the entire casting was superb. The jungle setting has been beautifully captured on film. As for the violence, it is a realistic representation of what is known to have actually occurred. It is nothing compared to some other recent hit movies. The fact that this film uses their original language made it more realistic and the subtitles are really no bother. I enjoyed this movie so much I watched it twice and I would see it again. In my opinion the story, acting and cinematography are all excellent.Read full review...


A Vivid And Stunning Film!

What an AWESOME film! I have been to the ruins down in Mayan Rivera. This film brings a new light and glimpse of the Mayan culture. A must see!!!

Verified purchase:  Yes | Condition: pre-owned | Sold by: angiescloset07


Intense thrilling and eventfully amazing !

A wonderful and brilliant motion picture Mel Gibson hit it out of the park with this one !
Great acting ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐



El pasado 1 de junio compré la película en bluray “Apocalypto”, al dia de hoy 5 de julio no me ha llegado (35 días); regularmente mis compras por e-bay en USA demoran 14 días desde que realizo el pago, me comunique con el vendedor por correo electrónico y no me contestó, entonces abrí una disputa en PAYPAL, fue cuando tuvimos comunicación, y le manifesté mi situación, se limitó a darme un número de registro para su rastreo y me deseo buena suerte; he tratado de localizar el producto en el servicio postal Mexicano sin éxito, me manifiestan que no tienen ese número registrado y que es posible que se haya quedado en la aduana o se haya perdido, le pedí al vendedor que me mandara vía E-mail copia del registro con mi orden , mi nombre y dirección, con ello cancelo la disputa, y asumo que no es culpa de el , que el articulo no me haya llegado; sin embargo últimamente no me ha contestado y elevaré mi reclamación para que PAYPAL determine esta situación, por lo pronto no lo calificaré para no afectar su reputación, esperando que el tampoco lo haga.
Esta situación es la primera vez que me sucede, empiezo a comprar con ustedes desde hace 3 meses aproximadamente, y desde hace 3 años a algunas por Internet a otras empresas y personas, con ustedes estoy muy satisfecho y seguro, salvo por la situación antes comentada, considero importante que para quienes realizan compras de otro país, es necesario establecer medidas que garanticen que el articulo comprado llegue a su destinatario (aunque cueste un poco mas).
Gracias por permitirme compartir este momento.

Lic. Enrique Alvarado

México D.F. 5 de julio 2007
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Mel's Spell

I think the key to Gibson's success as a filmmaker is that he approaches all of a motion picture's elements as if he were building furniture: nothing fancy, one piece at a time, stability from the ground up, everything solid, detail after detail taken care of. It's using this approach to the subject matter he chooses that makes his work remarkable: a medieval Scottish rebellion, the death of Jesus, survival under Aztec rule. In every case, soon after the film has commenced, you find yourself THEN and THERE. 'Apocalypto' is, to date, Gibson's best effort at putting an audience in a time and place they've never dreamt of, providing an experience they could never otherwise have. With Blu-Ray, all of the visual details Gibson has obsessively assembled, as well as the audio effects and dialogue spoken in an ancient language, repeat the in-theatre experience of being there. On paper and in print, Mel's ideas may seem crazy and uncommercial, but on film, he's one of the few filmmakers providing unique, realistic entertainment experiences in a comic-book-driven, computer-graphic-image-dominated industry.Read full review...


Great movie

The movie came in as described! The box had just a little wear and the disk was pretty much like new
The movie itself is amazing! And engaging
Definitely a pick up

Verified purchase:  Yes | Condition: pre-owned | Sold by: calicu_gno


Rare Find

I’ve been looking for a physical/digital copy of this movie for a while a while. I didn’t realize it was a limited release item, but it makes sense that it was. This was an extremely powerful and well executed film.Read full review...

Verified purchase:  Yes | Condition: pre-owned | Sold by: lxjbup



Presented in 1.85:1 1080p Widescreen, Apocalypto is a pretty strong Blu-ray transfer. The colors are nice and sedate, the natural hues of the culture preserved for home viewing. Although the presentation is strong, there is nothing incredibly impressive about it. The colors, even the reds, do not pop off the screen, and even though the detail is sharp, the image lacks an engrossing depth. A fine transfer.

Making up for the underwhelming video presentation is the remarkably strong audio presentation of Apocalypto. With both a Mayan Uncompressed audio track and a Mayan Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround track, this is an exciting audio release. The sound is perfectly mixed with the dialogue nicely covered with mystical music. The best aspect of the audio track, the powerful ambient soundscape is an amazingly engrossing experience. Everything perfectly redeveloping the world of the film. An amazing audio presentation that is accompanied by English, English SDH, French and Spanish subtitles.

In closing would make a fine addition to anyone's Blu-ray collection.
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Apocalypse very good active

Know mel Gibson well good director movie and notice who is actor/actress characters

Verified purchase:  Yes | Condition: pre-owned | Sold by: tp1331

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