4.74.7 out of 5 stars
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Good graphics95% agree

Compelling gameplay95% agree

Good value100% agree

78 Reviews


Best presentation yet, but way too short!

Having played EVERY Tomb Raider game on the PlayStation, I was really looking forward to the series coming back from a disappointing PS2 debut in "Angel of Darkness". "Legend" did just it or not, the grid layout of the PS1 games is replaced with a more detailed environment that just feels less like it was built from Lego blocks. It does take awhile to get the jump timing down, but when you do it's pretty smooth and movement overall is quite fluid. Lara has some great moves, but one that I miss is sprinting. The auto-grab on ledges also takes awhile to get used to, but again is well done when you work it into your mind to use it.

What I did not like about "Legend", though, was the lack of challenge and short length of the game. Now maybe I'm a little hard-core on gaming, but it just did not challenge me that often, and when completed, I was left asking where's the rest.

Standing alone it was a fine effort by the publishers to right the ship after "AOD" but fell short on value, since it is a very linear adventure game it has no real replay potential. That's where the short length hurts the game. Look for this one to pop up for rather cheap used prices soon.
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Good but not great

I've been playing the Tomb Raider games for several years now with TR3 being my favorite and Angel of Darkness being my least favorite. So, when the news came that Legend was being released I was excited and leary at the same time. When I found one on Ebay for a very good price I finally decided to buy it. I'm glad I did.
Legend is one of the best Tomb Raider games but like everything else there's good points and not so good points. The graphics on Legend are gorgeous. Crystal dynamics did an excellent job with them. I think they finally got Lara's look down too, not one stray pixel she looks beautiful. Lara's interactions with the enviroment and movements are almost lifelike and nearly flawles. The storyline was good and delved more into Lara's past so it helped to fill her out as a character. I also liked how new characters (Zip, Allister etc.) were brought fully into the story and not just background players. The controls were easy to learn, I think I had them mastered after about an hour of gameplay. Gameplay itself was good, if a little repetative. The puzzles could have been alot more challenging, most of them were basically the same so once you figured out one you pretty much had them all. The interactive scenes were cool, that was a first for the TR series and I hope they keep it for following games. My only real complaint about the game is it's length, it was over way too soon. It took me 8 or 9 hours to complete Legend, some of the older games took like 20 to 24 hours to complete. So, yeah way too short. Left me wanting alot more.
All in all Legend is a good game. Good but not great. If the game makers take into consideration all the things fans of the series have posted on different TR websites then the sequel should be really great. We'll have to wait and see but I hope the wait is not too long, I'm ready for the next round.
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TRLegend PS2

Our Lady moves better than most PS2 characters now. Lara Croft looks stunning as her wet body glistens after taking a swim. She looks even better after flipping and rolling around and getting up with her skin covered in dirt. Most of Lara Crofts moves have more than one function in TR:Legend. Her magnetic grapple can be used to swing to a distant platform or to snatch guns out of the hands of enemies. Her flips can be used to dodge traps, enemy fire or propel herself off of enemies in order to shoot them from above or to just watch her flip which is so cool. Her inventory consists of grenades (sensually placed on the back of her daisy duke shorts), magnetic grapple, dual pistols, binoculars, and a automatic rifle. Lara can also pick up shot guns that enemies drop and use them. Oh she has a regular pony tail now not her famous braid but who cares she's still Lara. This game gets 1 point off for not being long like the TR games we used to play. Over all it's crazy. Play it.Read full review...


Not too complex, but everthing it does, it does well.

Tomb Raider Legend was my first venture into the world of Lara Croft, and I think it was a good choice. I kind of knew what to expect in terms of game-play, but had no worries of being upset with seeing old tricks reused.

I wasn't expecting much going into the game, so I was pleasantly surprised when I discovered how fun it really is.

TR:L seems to be a game that focuses on keeping things simple, but fun. Nothing about the game is overly complex, which makes for a good way to simply kick back and play. At the same time this also means that there's not much variety in some of it's aspects.

Combat for one example. You get your choice of a few different guns, although you can only carry one gun in addition to your standard duel pistols. The foes you'll be using your weapons against stay pretty standard as you progress.

The lock on system to fight these bad buys works well and if you can get close enough to them you have a few melee moves that are fun to unleash. In fact, once you get past what initially feels a little cumbersome, the controls in general work well. Although I do seem to have trouble making Lara turn quickly and precisely. It's also too bad the camera doesn't co-operate as well as you'd like all the time, but for the most part you do have complete control over it.

A couple gadgets have been included such as binoculars that can tell you if items can be operated, moved, or broken, and a grappling line to assist with negotiating large gaps, and pulling various objects.

The locations you'll visit do offer up some different scenery, as you visit desert areas, lush environment, city sky scrapers, snowy industrial building, and more. They try to mix up puzzles you'll encounter as you traverse the terrain, and they make them fun enough to keep the enjoyment level up. You'll have to stop and think about what needs to be done, but you won't find yourself frustrated with overly complicated or ambiguous situations to wrestle.

The boss battles continue this method, by not letting you simply shoot them down (well not all of them), but not driving you crazy with trying to learn how to take them out.

You'll also find yourself on a motorcycle in a couple of levels, which helps add a little bit of variety, even though both instances of this are almost identical, except for your location. An ATV or even a snowmobile the second time would've been nice to have seen, just to mix it up even more.

Even though the game also services up some quick time events, which I'm not always a fan of, they managed some of more frustrating parts of QTEs in general by making the on-screen symbols big, and giving a reasonable amount of time to respond.

The biggest disappointment in the game for me was the ending. The last level seemed to be over too quick, without a enough closure in the story. It felt like there should be one more level. But this was only a minor set back. When you complete the main missions, you can go back to collect all the treasures you may have missed the first time to unlock bonus features and weapon upgrades. These bonus goals may encourage a second look through the levels.

This game follows a classic formula of simple but fun. There's no much more to say than that. You shoot guys, beat them up, and solve switch puzzles. Not a lot of depth, but a fair share of entertainment, that doesn't overstay it's welcome.
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Lara returns with a bang!!!

WOW! This is a great return to a great franchise. The game play is very tight with virtually no glitches that the last game was plagued with. Visuals were excellent with some really nice dungeons to explore. Very detailed with awesome lighting effects. The boss battles were puzzles in themselves and were fun and challenging and not too difficult. The secrets were fun and challenging for the most part. As in the other Tomb Raider games some secrets were very easy while others were impossible to find. Of course, there were a few problems. I felt that the game was really short. I think we always think games are too short when we enjoy them though. There were these extremely long motorcycle sections that were way too easy and boring. There is some replay value as there are three difficulty levels and a time trial for every segment you complete. Overall, a very enjoyable game and highly recommended!Read full review...


Better Than AOD But Way Too Short

Tomb Raider AOD was a disgrace to the Tomb Raider Series. Tomb Raider Legend was a helluva lot better. Great graphic, cool weapons. The only bad thing about Legends was, it was not hard at all but I beat the game on easy mode. And the game was WAY too short you could beat this game in 1 night. But of course I didn't find all the secrets. In this game in a way it takes you back to the original Tomb Raider. You get to see what happens to Larua when she was young and you get to see what happens to her mother. But if you plan on playing this game rent it first unless your a Tomb Raider fan.Read full review...


Finally a step in the right direction!

After Tomb Raider AoD I was so nervous about purchasing another TR game... I was so dissapointed with it... but Legend seems to have gone back to it's roots and the adventure is on once again! Graphics are FAB and the story line is just as magical as TR4 (My all time favorite!)


I don't like the fact the you can't customize the controls... you can only choose between 3 control settings and all of them use the analog buttons for Lara's movement which i find is harder to use when trying to line Lara up for a jump or when trying to make her face a wall or a ledge... I liked the way it was before with the directional buttons and the way you would jump backwards or do a roll to turn around... It's also harder to control her between walk and run mode...

You can't save the game like you used to... it now has "check points" were you can save and will always start from them if you die... so gone are the days when you'd save the game for a super hard jump in order to try again and again to get it right :( The only good thing about this is you avoid the mistake of saving the game right when Lara is about to die...

all in all I think the designers heard our cries after the Angel of Darkness flop (that game was alos far too short!!!) and came out with Legend to recaptivate their audience!
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To be continued...

I really enjoyed this latest TR game. I've been a fan since the first episode. I had a hard time getting used to the joystick controls (I played last episode on PC), but after awhile its OK. My biggest dissapointement is how short this game is! Easy mode is really too easy and best suited for less experienced players. Great graphics, not too much 'overly dark' where you cant see anything like TR3. Cant wait for the next one to come out!Read full review...


why it's the greatest ?

Nearly 10 years ago a little-known British developer crafted a title whose impact on the videogame world would be massive and permanent. Tomb Raider starring Lara Croft graced game systems in November 1996. Within a year, the sexy, smart and sassy heroine would go on to become world-famous for her voluptuous build, can-do attitude, and endless mass market appeal. Along with Shigeru Miyamoto's brilliant Super Mario 64, the first Tomb Raider illuminated new corridors in 3D game development, showing fresh possibilities in character and game design, 3D control, and camera work.

A lot has happened since the heady days of Core Design and Eidos Entertainment's first big splash. It's been nearly a decade. Lara's popularity has continued to thrive well into this century, especially with two movies starring Angelina Jolie, but though she remained a cultural icon to the masses, her games went down the toilet. After Tomb Raider 2, fans got five progressively worse sequels, the last of which was so second-rate that Eidos canned Core Design from its own series.
Enter Crystal Dynamics, the Menlo Park, Ca. developer best known for its gothic action-adventure game, Legacy of Kain. Crystal D spent more than a year researching the Tomb Raider series before it actually started the design proper, digging up the essentials to figure out what people loved so much about the originals and how to return to that point. Among other beneficial moves, original designer and animator Toby Gard was retained as a consultant. And the team's research pointed to a few things: people love exploring enormous exotic locales, they love great stories, and they want the freedom of making an acrobatic character move nimbly and athletically. That's exactly what we get with Tomb Raider: Legend. Crystal D's fresh approach, erudite design and execution, and its focus on good controls, smart puzzles, and competent combat, do the trick. They've resurrected an icon and a legacy from its tumultuous past by making the best and most definitive Tomb Raider yet.
Slated for PC, PS2, Xbox and Xbox 360 (with a PSP release in May), the game starts with a focused thematic storyline that carries all the way to its final moments. In one of the first of many flashback moments, Lara and her mum begin the game traveling in a small airplane. Suddenly an engine catches on fire and they have to crash land. The two make it through the crash unharmed, but they find themselves in an ancient land with strange iconography and mystical architecture. Lara activates an ancient artifact and her mother is sucked into a magic vortex that pretty much ends Lara's childhood on the spot. The game proper starts soon thereafter in modern times in Bolivia with Lara Croft climbing cliff sides, a little reminiscent but a lot less vain than Tom Cruise's intro to Mission Impossible . . . i'm sorry i have no more characters to write more it's really awesome game and i love it
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A Short but Sweet Adventure with a New Lara

Legend is definitly the best Tomb Raider in the series. Erase Angel of Darkness from your minds and open up to a short but fun adventure with Ms. Croft.

Let's start with the positive. Legend has more to offer than previous installments. In each stage, there are hidden rewards that unlock cool features such as outfit selections (it's addicting), concept models, codes and more. This gives the game a lot of replay value, especially with a time trial mode and various difficulty levels.

Lara also moves a lot more fluidly than in past games. It can actually take awhile to get used to her if you're used to her blocky old controls, but definitly worth it.

Everything is well designed; the stages are fun to jump around in and you want to discover all its secrets.

The story is pretty good too. Lara's interaction with other characters shows more of her personal side more than any other game in the series.

Ok, on with the negative.

The whole shooting and aiming thing in this game is just "ok". The auto-lock on feature isn't the best, but it gets the job done. The camera isn't always your friend in these situations either, sometimes zooming in on the wrong areas. For the most part, the camera does its job pretty well, and if it's not behaving right, you get complete control of it to move it as you see fit.

The other negative is the length of the game. As said in plenty of reviews, the game is just too short. It definitly leaves an opening for a sequel, but expect to spend no more than 15 hours, even if you're a player that takes a bit longer to complete games.

This game is definitly worth $20, not $50 due to its length. I recommend waiting until the price drops then playing the hell out of it and you won't be disappointed when the adventure ends all too soon.
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