4.74.7 out of 5 stars
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Good graphics90% agree

Compelling gameplay95% agree

Good value95% agree

125 Reviews


Star Wars: Battlefront

Ask any Star Wars fan and they will tell you that Star Wars video games have been going downhill since "Return of the Jedi" on the SNES with few excpetions. Only lately with games such as "Rogue Leader" and "Knights of the Old Republic" have fans been given a reprieve from the status quo of mediocre games. "Star Wars: Battlefront" is next in the line of good, albeit not superb, games of the beloved trilogy.

Gameplay: The bulk of the gameplay centers around a Star Wars version of "Capture the Flag". On each world that the Rebels/Empire, Clones/Seperatists, Gungans/Trade Federation, etc. do battle, there are five or six bases that either side can capture. You need to either capture all of the bases or kill all of your opposition in order to declare victory. On paper, a mix of Star Wars combat and Capture the Flag, doesn't sound all that appealing, but once you sit down and play, you'll most likely be sucked in and, before you know it, four hours of your life will have disappeared.

One of the nice things about this game is that you can choose which side you want to fight on in the "Instant Action" mode of gameplay. For each affiliation (Empire, Rebels, Trade Federation, Clones, etc.) there are numerous different soldier types that you can fight as. For example, if you decide to fight as the Empire as I like to do, (DIE REBEL SCUM! MUAHAHAHAHAHAH!) then you can fight as a regular Stormtrooper, a Darktrooper, a Scoutrooper, an Imperial Officer, or others. Each different soldier has different strengths and carryies a different assortment of weapons.

In addition to fighting on the ground, in each level you can also take control of AT-ATs, AT-STs, AT-TEs, TIE Fighters, TIE Bombers, X-Wings, Y-Wings, Snowspeeders, Cloud City Fighters (I don't remember their name), Skiffs, Landspeeders, Tanks, and just about anything else your nerdy little heart could desire. You can also take control of enemy vehicles and rain death down on their unsuspecting troops. Be warned though, although you have a great many vehicles at your disposal, none of them control particularly well and so therefore, you'll probably be spending the majority of your time wth this game on foot, laying waste to Rebel or Imperial troops.

Graphics: The game takes place on such notable Star Wars locales as Hoth, Yavin 4, Kamino, Geonosis, Tatooine, Endor, Naboo and others, so the environments are quite varied and, considering the scope of many of the battles, the graphics are a sight to behold. The explosion effects are quite nice as well. You'll also get a sneak peak at Kashyyyk, the Wookiee homeworld, which is said to play a part in Episode III.

Sound: Familiar Star Wars tunes and great battle sounds. The voiceover of commanding officers saying "Our reinforcements have been cut off!" or "Victory is imminent!" does get very repetitive after a while, but that's pretty minor in the grand scheme of things.


-In each battle, whichever two sides are fighting always have the exact same number of troops. It would have been nice if in some battles, you were outnumbered, and had to formulate a strategy that would even things up.

-Watching your charater get hit with a grenade and go flying trough the air is great and NEVER gets old.
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Star Wars: Battlefront

Ask any Star Wars fan and they will tell you that Star Wars video games have been going downhill since "Return of the Jedi" on the SNES with few excpetions. Only lately with games such as "Rogue Leader" and "Knights of the Old Republic" have fans been given a reprieve from the status quo of mediocre games. "Star Wars: Battlefront" is next in the line of good, albeit not superb, games of the beloved trilogy.

Gameplay: The bulk of the gameplay centers around a Star Wars version of "Capture the Flag". On each world that the Rebels/Empire, Clones/Seperatists, Gungans/Trade Federation, etc. do battle, there are five or six bases that either side can capture. You need to either capture all of the bases or kill all of your opposition in order to declare victory. On paper, a mix of Star Wars combat and Capture the Flag, doesn't sound all that appealing, but once you sit down and play, you'll most likely be sucked in and, before you know it, four hours of your life will have disappeared.

One of the nice things about this game is that you can choose which side you want to fight on in the "Instant Action" mode of gameplay. For each affiliation (Empire, Rebels, Trade Federation, Clones, etc.) there are numerous different soldier types that you can fight as. For example, if you decide to fight as the Empire as I like to do, (DIE REBEL SCUM! MUAHAHAHAHAHAH!) then you can fight as a regular Stormtrooper, a Darktrooper, a Scoutrooper, an Imperial Officer, or others. Each different soldier has different strengths and carryies a different assortment of weapons.

In addition to fighting on the ground, in each level you can also take control of AT-ATs, AT-STs, AT-TEs, TIE Fighters, TIE Bombers, X-Wings, Y-Wings, Snowspeeders, Cloud City Fighters (I don't remember their name), Skiffs, Landspeeders, Tanks, and just about anything else your nerdy little heart could desire. You can also take control of enemy vehicles and rain death down on their unsuspecting troops. Be warned though, although you have a great many vehicles at your disposal, none of them control particularly well and so therefore, you'll probably be spending the majority of your time wth this game on foot, laying waste to Rebel or Imperial troops.

Graphics: The game takes place on such notable Star Wars locales as Hoth, Yavin 4, Kamino, Geonosis, Tatooine, Endor, Naboo and others, so the environments are quite varied and, considering the scope of many of the battles, the graphics are a sight to behold. The explosion effects are quite nice as well. You'll also get a sneak peak at Kashyyyk, the Wookiee homeworld, which is said to play a part in Episode III.

Sound: Familiar Star Wars tunes and great battle sounds. The voiceover of commanding officers saying "Our reinforcements have been cut off!" or "Victory is imminent!" does get very repetitive after a while, but that's pretty minor in the grand scheme of things.


-In each battle, whichever two sides are fighting always have the exact same number of troops. It would have been nice if in some battles, you were outnumbered, and had to formulate a strategy that would even things up.

-Watching your charater get hit with a grenade and go flying trough the air is great and NEVER gets old.
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Star Wars Battles!!!

+ Choose between Good & Evil.
+ Be a part of epic battles.
+ Take the war online.

- Vehicle controls need work.
- You only feel like a small part of the battle.
- Online play is not so smooth at times.

This is a great Star Wars game & a lot of fun. Taking part in epic battles makes you feel like part of the universe. But it is easy to die sometimes until you get used to crowd control. 'Rogue Squadron' has better vehicle elements. Why couldn't they borrow those elements?

Must have for Star Wars fans. Must play for anyone else. Excellent addition for any collection.
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Fun, But Simple and Skimpy

This game really takes the Star Wars video game series and gives it a bit of a twist. For the most part, the console games have all be flight simulator style games or solo games where you control one character (usually the good guys) and takes you through a story line...blah blah. This game allows people to immerse themselves in some famous battles from the Star Wars movies and the kicker is that you can be either side.

Gameplay: You'll be thrust in a battleground (hence the name) of rebels and republic soldiers. You will be placed in the heat of battle and be surrounded by hundereds of soliders - allies and enemies. The main object of the game is sort of like capture the flag or king of the mountain; you have to secure small stations through out the area and then protect them while securing the others. What's nice is that not only can you pick which side you want, but you can pick from a variety of troops. Each side allows you to pick a different class of soldier and this varies not only appearance, but weapon selection and items as well. The bulk of the fighting takes place on foot between soldiers, but ocassionally there will be some vehicles brought onto the battle grounds. What's nice is that any vehicle you see, is yours for the taking - unless it's destroyed. So you can hijack an AT-AT walker if you so desire. There various modes, none of which last too long. This game really leaves more to be desired, but it is fun to play with friends.

Controls: The controls are simply and easy to learn. Children will have no problem mastering controls.

Graphics: The graphics are good and the environments and scenery from the planets you visit are quite nice too.

Sound: Classic Star Wars themes - you know, the very symphonic orchestra tunes. I noticed someone mentioned that the voices get repetative and that's true. It was also mentioned that this doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things...true again. The sound is top notch for a game of this nature.

So what's left to desire? Well a longer solo mode, maybe a wider character selection, maybe some fight scenes in space...oh! Wait! They put those in the second game...! All in all, this game is good and I think Star Wars fans (maybe even fans of war themed games) will enjoy it very much.
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First Person Shooter with Star Wars Flair!

Reviewed for Big Boss Games by: bargainzandmore

In a Galaxy far, far away...the battle between the light and the dark side continues.

Star Wars: Battlefront brings the adventure together in a spectacular first person shooter, choose your planet and let the battle begin.

Star Wars Battlefront lets you choose between the Empire, Rebellion, Trade Federation or the Clone Army. If you're a Halo fan this game could be for you, like any first person shooter you can only have so much fun playing against the A.I., and this is definitely a multiplayer game. You can fight up to sixteen players in massive online battles. Battlefront is available on the PC, XBOX and the PS2.

On a rating scale of 1-5, I'll give this game a 4. And may the force be with you!
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fun, fun, FUN

A short time ago in a living room not too far away.....I played SWBF. I had heard it was a good game, but wanted to see for myself. I was very pleased.Now I must say if you like the strategy games of Star Wars this game is not so much thought evoking as those. This first person shoot'em up is nonetheless very entertaining with great replay value. You may either rule the galaxy with a dark side or bring balance to the force through beating evil one planet at a time. You may choose from five different specialist on which ever side you choose on which ever battleground you choose. If you love the classic SW you MUST play on the planet Hoth and drive, yes you actually drive, an AT-AT (or snowspeeder, tauntaun, etc.). That is just one of the planets you can play on. I don't remember the exact number of planets right off, but it is at least eight with two battlegrounds per planet giving you a total of sixteen battles. You may choose either the rebels or the empire. The trade federation or the republic. With at least sixteen battlegrounds you also get to choose from at least five specialist per battle, and there is practically no limit as to what you can drive or shoot. If you can see it you can drive it or shoot it. I thought the graphics were excellent, of course John Williams' music accompanies the game making it a wonderful addition to any gamers collection. Have fun!Read full review...


It's a game I would recommend to many people.

I knew the second I had started playing this game I would have a fun experience as I sniped battle droids from my republic outpost to shooting down rebel x-wing fighters in my imperial walker. I would most likely recommend this game to anybody I knew that was into action, explosions, and the Star Wars saga. I would do all the things I just said, and that was when I only thought you could play from the original trilogy let alone the whole saga. What a surprise it was to find out that I could actually jump inside vehicles and fight in some of the coolest dogfights above the battle itself, or join the battle below with my loaded tank or walker. It seems this game is full of surprises and will most likely entertain people that don't even know anything about Star Wars. Just trust me when I say this game is worth the cost and I'm sure you will enjoy it as much as I have.Read full review...


StarWars Battlefront: You don't know what your missing!

When I had a choice of one game to get with my Xbox,I decided to try the highly recomended Star Wars Battlefront. Being the characters in the Star Wars series is totally amazing. Great controlls, an easy to understand interface, and wonderful graphics makes it one of the most fun games I've played in years! To anyone over 8, its easy. But when its someone that knows Star Wars, this game is irresistable. Just bought SWBF II, hope its just as good as this one, if thats possible.Read full review...


One of the funnest games I have ever played

I recently got an update to my XBox 360 that allows select original XBox games to be played on the 360. I had this game on the PS2 a few years ago and I loved it to death (in more ways than one, the disc is beyond repair). Star Wars Battlefront is among the elite in previous generation console games. It brings Star Wars fandom together with a strategic shooter. You get to see the greatest Star Wars battles through the eyes of a common soldier. I adore the strategic aspect put into Battlefront. The two ways to win are to either capture all command posts (spawning points) or to eliminate all enemy forces. The way you fight your battles is up to you. Unit classes have good variety. You can go in as a regular soldier, sniper, engineer, etc. You can take the battlefield as a foot soldier or destroy everything in your path with devastating vehicles. Another thing I like about Battlefront is being able to choose your side. Depending on the era you battle in, you can fight as the Republic Army, battle droids, Rebels, or Imperials. I also have to admit that for a 2004 game, the graphics are phenomenal. One noticeable con about the game is the AI. In some situations, the AI are just dumb. Really, really dumb. Another problem is game balance. As I've mentioned, the vehicles in this game are monstrosities on the battlefield. They're almost a little too powerful. Only heavy weapons and other vehicles can make a dent in them. I know that, realistically, this is to be expected. However, blasters are useless against them, regardless of how much blaster fire they take. Another game balance issue is Jedi. In the first game, you can't play as a Jedi, however you can have Jedi on the battlefield. (in the second Battlefront, players can use Jedi heroes, posing a more serious game balance issue.) The Jedi are almost indestructible. The only way I have ever killed them is by blowing them off a cliff. They instantaneously respawn. While it's still anyone's game with a Jedi on the field, not many players like it when an indestructible force kills anything in its path and there is nothing they can do except stare and think angry thoughts while they make futile attempts to stay out of its way and compensate for the massive amount of casualties caused by this juggernaut. For some more positive points, the controls for Battlefront are simple and easy (much like the Halo series' control simplicity). Now, this is not to say that the game is easy. It, by all means, presents a formidable challenge for players of all backgrounds. The splitscreen mode is very entertaining. Even though only two people can play offline, it is really fun playing on the same team as wingmen, or playing against each other as if you are opposing commanding officers in an intense war game.
As far as gaming goes, 2004 is the new 1989. Older games such as this have really high replay value and the competitive elements are more based on player skill than by killstreaks. In this game, you have to work for your kills, not get them handed to you because you got 10 kills in a row. For old-school gamers and newbies alike, this game gets my highest marks. This is a game that will keep you entertained alone and with a friend. Honestly, they just don't make games like this anymore. Appreciate it, gamers. Appreciate it.
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Good Game

As a stop-gap as I wait for Star Wars: The Old Republic, I decided to play through KOTOR and Jedi Academy, and I picked up "BattleFront" as a change of pace. I like it enough that I will be purchasing "BattleFront 2" for the X-Box. While it is fun to be a Jedi, there were other characters within the SW universe, and this is a great way to just get down to some in-the-thick blaster fire. I'm enjoying my first impression. Can't wait for The Old Republic, though.Read full review...

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