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248 Reviews


5 People You Meet... easy read that challenges thoughts

I found this book to be very thought provoking long after I finished it. I continued to reflect on the characters and the life of the characters for months. I talked about the book and passed it on to many other people. I even shared a passage at group study that had nothing to do with books or heaven. That's what makes it such an excellent book for me, the fact that it applied to many different areas of life. This book has something to say about a person's life and the title is misleading to those who think it is all about or just about Heaven and/or God. I found it to be easy to read, though some elements were almost too simplistic. Having read Mitch Albom's "Tuesdays With Morrie" first, I was somewhat disappointed by this simplicity. I think the story theme could have stayed simple, as is Albom's writing style, but still used a bit more detailed written word. In this book, I think Albom needed to do this because the story really exercises the reader's mind. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes to read something that does more than just entertain, but will also challenge them in some way.Read full review...


Great book

"Five People You Meet In Heaven" The story begins at the end of Eddie's life. Eddie is an elderly maintenance that worked almost his intire life at the same amusement park, Eddie is unhappy and feels that his life is meaningless...

Eddie dies while trying to save a little girl from being crushed by a ride in the park. He awakens in heaven where he meets five people whose purpose it is to explain to Eddie the events of his life.
Now its Eddie's job to find closure with every person he meets,
Each character changes Eddie's perspective about life..and for the first time Eddie see things clearly and what really happened...
In his journey Eddie finally finds peace,and discovers that his life wasn't meaningless at all.

I was very impressed with the way Mitch Album succeed once agian to bring an imaginative, creative tale, that inspired and moved
me in so many ways...
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Don't waste your time

This short fiction is amazing only in that is has sold as well as it has and that many people actually like it. Human nature draws us to find a description of Heaven. M. Albom's title gives the illusion that one might find a realistic, perhaps verifiable account of what Heaven will be like. Albom is so far off from the truth that any real believer of Heaven and hell would toss this novel on the floor in disgust as I did. A seasoned writer could spit a book out like this in less than a week; "The 5 People You Meet in Heaven," is elementary reading level, void of all substantiation, and even depressing if Albom's opinion is considered accurate. I wouldn't take a copy of this novel for free. I couldn't even sell it at a yard sell in good faith; I threw my copy in the trash. I couldn't pass on such sacrilege written with no compelling hints of truth that would inspire a person to seek further.Read full review...


The Five People You Meet In Heaven

I found this book quite confusing and didn't get the message the author was trying to get across.My mother gave me this book she loved and gave me a copy to read.She also said I can keep the book. Three months later my mother passed away suddenly or maybe she didn't she not tell us she was very sick to protect her children one final time. I learned later that she gave all her children four including me the same little red book about the same time.
I knew I would read this book with a new perspective especially in the early mourning stage, I was missing her much more than I ever imagine.I re=read the book which is rather short, and as I cried and tears stained the pages I knew that my mother would be one of the 5 people I will meet in heaven because she was always there for us in heaven.
The book has a very direct message . What we do and how we live our lives is our choice, life is short and "live each day like it is your last" you never know when that day will be like the main character Eddie a simple older man, who knew all he would ever be is a man fixing rides in a run down amusement park which is dull and meaningless it seems Eddie is a inspiration to all mankind because he is dedicated to this job and concerned about the safety of all the ride running safely.Ironically, he dies trying to save a life of a little girl who falls out of a defective ride.Death a total surprise was a result of another person not properly doing his job and a ride broke apart iro making sure it was running properly, ironically Eddie died doing the job he loved .
I started to think of anything I did in my past that possibly caused another's death,For every action there is a reaction. Every life is meaningfull and Eddie is a inspirational charactor in this story. We are all equal in the the end no mattter how much money or material things we acquired in life. How we lived our live and how we treated others is the only important things we take with us after we leave this world. Eddie also learns that while we are alive we must resolve personal grudges and let anger go before its to late especially with loved ones. Eddie still has ro face this issue with his father. The point validify love and work out problems with loved ones while you are both alive, death may not give you a chance to finish personal business and that is final we don't get another chance.
The book is rather short , I read it in about 2 hours, a great beach book!
It is great for those who like Sylvia Brown and John Edward's books, like their books this little red book opened up a new way of looking at the world and although my mother is gone she gave us hope giving us this book that maybe one dsy we will meet in heaven.
This book is timeless original Book reminds us one day will die and death may come very when you least expect it.The writing is excellent original and tells a very inspirational story . I read it months ago and I still think about this book almost daily. It has helped me to get out of bed snd to start to living again> My mother is gone but not forgotten,She would sayz"this too shall pass" meaning get on with your life.
This book is to be a bew classic for generations to come. Read this book!!!
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Doubtless, this was one of the most touching and emotional books I have ever read. It was recommended to me by an elderly minister in Abilene, Texas. When I first picked it up and started to read, I hated the beginning ... I wanted to put it down ... but I kept on reading.

One of the things that made the book so endearing to me, and which kept me reading, was the introduction of each new and totally intriguing person that would take the main character of the story back into and through another segment of his life already lived. Meeting them is quite an adventure.

Mitch Albom's gift at description is marvelous; the reader can practically see what is happening every step of the way. And yet there was simply no way to anticipate where this uncanny journey backwards in time would lead the main character, or how it would so delightfully carry him to the end of the journey, his quest for understanding and answers.

There is a mathematical oddity we identify as "the six degrees of separation." That came to mind throughout this book. In life, we may never discover the way in which a decision we made, or an action we took, impacts another -- someone we might not have ever met. This book causes one to consider that and step more carefully. Life is fragile. And temporary. The storytelling is remarkable, so perfect, so applicable, so thrilling. There is great satisfaction in reading this book and enjoying the beautiful tie that binds it all together.
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The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom

I enjoyed the Book about the first five people you meet in Heaven, a enjoyable adventure. It takes your imagination to the possibilities of who it could be. The conversations you would have with each person.

The story begins with Eddie. Eddie was a quiet man who worked as a maintenance man at a seaside park called Ruby Point. On a tragic day Eddie tries to save a child from a falling cart. Where he accidentally dies at the age of 83.

Upon arriving in Heaven, Eddie starts to meet people from his childhood to old age. when the five people go from his early birthdays to his funeral. He meets people who show him that his life was worthwhile. He touched many lives along the way even with strangers. As he meets them, he helps each one bring closure to all questions to their lives. So Eddie finds peace that his life was not only worthwhile but needed for others. After all we all need to be wanted and valuable.

You will enjoy Mitch Albom, once you start reading, you won't be able to put it down. The book is 178 pages and weighs about 9.6 ounces. You can read the book in about 5 to 6 hours.
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A piece of mind and heart

As an avid reader, this book has remained one of my very favorites in the last year. I have many reasons for loving this book. It is very easy to read, but really makes you really stop and reflect what impact your own life and actions have on others and your destiny in the future years that you are privledged enough to remain on this earth. This book will definately touch your heart and let you take a deeper look at yourself and how you are perceived by others. But most of all, how you SHOULD perceive your fellow human beings. It is a true lesson in respect for all people. This enlightening book reminds all of us that every person you are in contact with, no matter how minor or major you may think this chance meeting is, there is a reason for all interaction in our busy and hectic lives. The situations and chapters have shown me that everything we do has an effect on our life and the lives of others. I purchased this book because I was at a time when I needed more spirituality and reasoning in my every day world. I have loaned this book to several friends and family members, always with a quick return due to the fact that it is incredibly difficult to put down. I would highly recommend this as a very uplifting reading experience and change in thought formation. I will continue to loan this book out and will keep it with my collection of favorites for years to follow.Read full review...


Interesting, easy read.

The book does make you realize that we do influence things beyond our knowledge tht we may never know about. I can only hope that when we do die, our lives are explained to us like that. I believe I was expecting more from the book, perhaps more meaningful writing perhaps, but I have passed this on to my family, as we are in the midst of losing my brother. While it vaguely helped with the hard death we are facing, it did make me feel better thinking that we do not simply go to the ground and die...we do indeed live on, in another life.Read full review...


A very sweet and inspiring story

This book is an fantastic read. Telling the stories of several characters while telling the story of the main character and how his interactions affected the lives of the others. There are some darker undertones in some of the writing but they go well with this story, helping the vision of atonement and forgiveness and ultimate happiness that comes at the end. It may not be a story for everyone but my opinion is that its the kind of story that should be read by every individual at least once in a lifetime. On top of being a good read it has a ton of not so in your face life lessons.Very touching and thought provoking as well.Read full review...


Book Review: The Five People You Meet in Heaven

More Than Just A Good Read
Book Review
By James Myers

The Five People You Meet in Heaven
By Mitch Albom
Published by Hyperion
198 Pages

(Four Stars)

“Ruby stepped toward him. “Edward,” she said softly. It was the first time she had called him by his name. “Learn this from me. Holding anger is a poison. It eats at you from the inside. We think that hating is a weapon that attacks the person who harmed us. But hatred is a curved blade. And the harm we do, we do to ourselves. “Forgive, Edward, Forgive. Do you remember the lightness you felt when you first arrived in Heaven?”

Eddie did. Where is my pain?

“That’s because no one is born with anger. And when we die, the soul is freed of it. But now, here, in order to move on, you must understand why you felt what you did, and why you must no longer need to feel it.”

She touched his hand.

“You need to forgive your father.”

Transcendent, sentimental, and profoundly true, Mitch Albom, the author of Tuesdays With Morrie and For One More Day, has written another beautifully crafted novel destined to become a great American classic. Now out in paperback, this book is not only timeless, but a bargain. Eddie is a war veteran, who works at Ruby Amusement Park as a maintenance man, working the same job his father did, fixing amusement park rides by the seashore. As the park has changed and deteriorated over the passing years, so has Eddie. Once an optimistic young man, he has become a cynical, embittered old man, who has lost his wife, and most of his family and friends. Doing the same work, day after day, we see the routine covers his loneliness and regret.

On his 83rd birthday, Eddie dies in a sudden accident, trying to save a little girl from a falling ride. His death initially seems to be as tragically empty as his life. He awakens to find that Heaven is not the paradise we all image, but a place where your life on earth is explained to you by five people who were in it. They may be strangers or family members, but all played an important, but not necessarily obvious role in your life. The key is that these people, whether it was known to you at the time or not, changed the course of your life forever.

Eddie’s five people illuminate the mysteries of his life, and in doing so, shed light on our lives as well. The unknown connections of his life are made clear to him in moving detail. These revelations are instructive and insightful for the reader as well. Eddie’s five lessons are mirrors to our souls as well as his. There is much food for thought in this book. It is a rich and lush exercise in self-discovery and awareness.

As the story builds to a climax, there is still one question that troubles Eddie. Did his last desperate act of heroism save the little girl or not? This question is answered by an unlikely fifth person in a surprise ending. The unexpected nature of this lesson is particularly striking, and is well worth reading.

Mitch Albom has written 3 great American novels. This is the most original story I have ever read, with tremendous insight into issues involving life, death, and the afterlife. This book is emotionally moving and at the same time retains a maturity that makes it credible and believable. Thumbs way up for Mitch Albom. I highly recommend this uplifting, timeless bo
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